Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo 「さくら荘のペットな彼女 」 The Pet Girl of Sakurasou (2012, 24 episodes)

in The Anime Realm5 days ago

Nice feel-good easy to watch comedy about cool eccentric teenagers in "Sakura Hall" dormitory for delinquents. One girl is very talented but otherwise pretty helpless so people organise "Mashiro duty", assigning someone to assist her.
Situational fun. Nice soft humour that never becomes vulgar (although it may have come pretty close once or twice). Plenty of good feeling and no stress. Nothing bad appears in the show and there is nothing supernatural whatsoever. Mild drama is introduced closer to end but satisfactory happy ending is guaranteed.

Resembles "Honey and Clover" 1 due to somewhat similar concept, but slightly better, despite having no koropokkuru. ;)

"What colour do you want to be?"
