Serial Experiments Lain 「シリアルエクスペリメンツレイン」 (1998, 13 episodes)

in The Anime Realm4 days ago

"Like it even matters what's real any more." A slow psychedelic show with a nice atmosphere in the first few episodes which quickly decays into ugly incomprehensible nonsense. Part of CIA's "war on realty", MKUltra and "Operation CHAOS" projects. "Reality is not even that real", fake family, fake people. CIA references all over, direct and indirect (Roswell, 1947 (year of CIA foundation), 1984, symbolism, etc.).
"You are not a person, you are software!", merge-with-machine post-humanism.

Dark and disgusting. Beyond bad. Terrible after-taste. This show is one of the very worst that I've seen, if not the worst. Awful.

Also, most dialogues in the show are actually monologues when characters don't interact with each other, even when they have "conversations".
