Usagi Drop 「うさぎドロップ」 Bunny Drop (2011, 11 episodes)

in The Anime Realm4 days ago

A good show about joys of parenting. 30 years old single man suddenly adopts a 6 years old child and becomes a parent instantly. They both learn to do everyday tasks together. They make friends with other parents and children. They learn that people might be reluctant to become parents due to fears of changing their life style but nobody regrets life-changing experience of having a child.

However, show have some negative sides. Child's mother is shown as a very dysfunctional person who abandoned her daughter just so she could continue work as a manga artist. (Yes, really.)
In a 5-min. special episode protagonist is lying about Santa to a child.
When child have a fever, physician recommends to wear a face mask at home, and protagonist does that.
Vaccination is promoted several (at least four) times, like something that parent should do without thinking. Normalising harm is very bad. IMHO pharmaceutical propaganda in the show is the worst thing that spoils it.

The show is short and full of nice details so it does not get boring. But the story does not go anywhere. We mostly see how man adjusts to his new life and responsibilities. I wish there was just a little more to that, like development of protagonist's personal life, but the romance is barely hinted so viewer's satisfaction is incomplete.



Seems a lovely anime ☺️

It is adorable and charming, with atmosphere of love and care. A rare anime gem with good aftertaste. :)

It was a very good anime really felt like there was actually nothing more to it than a man taking care of an adopted child
I'll rate it a 6/10

That's exactly what it is like, but that is more than many other shows have to offer, and it have almost no nasty stuff. Just like in many slice-of-life series, in Usagi Drop almost nothing happens, but to some extent lack of story is compensated with atmosphere of love and comfort. How well it resonates with viewers varies, but one way or another, anime shows about joys of parenting are rare, and I personally appreciated experiencing something different in my exploration of anime.

I haven't watched this anime yet, but it seems interesting. I'll probably give it a go in the coming days.