Grotesque family-friendly comedy about school boy who fights bullies and monsters from spiritual realm daily. School boys fight all the time with bullies and each other, taking great pride in doing so. That is presented as comedy and it somehow works and helps not to take lighthearted story too seriously.
The story begins with protagonist dying in traffic accident, but he is given a chance to live if he can complete a quest. He succeeds in returning to his own body but gains ability to see ghosts so he is quickly recruited as "spirit detective". After that he is constantly fighting something with assistance of his real and supernatural friends who know no fear and never run away from danger.
Average but fun show, despite being pointless and badly disconnected from reality. There is nothing serious in the show which is as entertaining as chewing gum but with fun animation style.
Nobody is victim and I guess the moral of the show (if any) can be summarised as "It's OK to fight back bullies. Courage is fun. Bruises are fine. Friends are worth fighting for."
En realidad es demasiado bueno. Al comienzo es así, divertido y sin sentido, pero con el desarrollo de la historia todo se vuelve muy interesante, deja de ser tan graciosa y se enfoca más en la trama
Don't you think it is a basic courtesy (as well as good practice) to reply in the same language?
Depende, también es muy importante tener la capacidad de tener personalidad propia y traducir el mensaje. A Dios no le gusta la gente perezosa. Además, hive, peak D y Google tiene traducción automática "en los 3 puntos en la esquina superior derecha". Y eres un mal agradecido, deberías dar gracias a Dios qué al menos te responde alguien de otro país, eso significa que eres visto por personas de otras regiones, y en vez de ser buena onda lo que haces es responder de forma pedante...
La próxima vez recuerda que hive está constituido por personas de todo el mundo, y que no importa en el idioma en el que te respondan, el simple hecho de que lo hagan ya es algo que se valora mucho...
"God don't like lazy people" - that's right, don't be lazy and use translator yourself, if you have easy access to it.
FYI, desktop Ecency have no built-in translation feature.
Besides, readers should be able to read conversation without venturing to translation service for every other comment.
Seien Sie höflich.
Estás muy viejo para la gracia, demasiada vejez y poca sabiduría.