(ENG/SPA) Kaguya Ootsutsuki: The Sunset of an Eternal Tsukuyomi Villain Review

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There are characters that are born to be sad in their stories and also in real life, not only are they tormented by the eternal narrative protagonists invincible under the pencil of their creator, but they are also punished by the fandom that shows its dissatisfaction by hating them for ruining arcs or even the entire adventure of a work.

Kaguya Ootsutsuki is a character from the anime Naruto Shippuden who could be defined as the definitive villain of all that anime and manga. Her mark in the heart of the fans is very fragile, almost forgettable and I understand it because she did not have a full development well modulated as other characters and powerful villains of the story had.

It is as if the Mangaka's soul wanted to give the whole world to his Kaguya but his hand, already exhausted by so much drawing, no longer supports the weight of the pencil to be able to pamper and develop her with a consistent narrative coherence.

Hay personajes que nacen para ser tristes en sus historias y también en la vida real, no solo los atormentan los eternos protagonistas narrativos invencibles bajo el lápiz de su creador si no que también les castiga el fandom que muestra su inconformidad odiándolos por arruinar arcos o inclusive la aventura completa de una obra.

Kaguya Ootsutsuki es una personaje del anime Naruto Shippuden a la que se pudiera definir como la villana definitiva de todo ese anime y manga. Su huella en el corazón de los fans es muy frágil, casi olvidable y lo comprendo porque no tuvo un pleno desarrollo bien modulado como si lo tuvieron otra gran cantidad de personajes y potentes villanos de la historia.

Es como si el alma del Mangaka quisiera entregarle el Mundo entero a su Kaguya pero su mano ya agotada por tanto dibujar no soporta ya el peso del lápiz para poder mimarla y desarrollarla con una coherencia narrativa consistente.


But what I am in love with her as a character and I would give her a Kiss on her precious Tsukuyomi Eye that she has on the forehead of her beautiful and delicate face, this review I dedicate it only to her as a tribute to my Great Goddess Rabbit for her aesthetics, her voice, her music, her sadness, her beauty and her background in history that in the end I see as a martyr who was not given the opportunity to defend herself or at least to be explained and in desperation to protect what she has, her sadness, her beauty and her background in history that in the end I see her as a martyr who was not given the opportunity to defend herself or at least be explained and in desperation to protect what instinct ordered her, irrational madness took over her.

Its music for me is the best of all Naruto's work, I'm listening to it while writing this review and look that this anime has soundtracks of power in varied rhythms and emotions but the emptiness in Kaguya's soul, her loss, her longing, her fear and her desire are totally perceived in that song that represents her, mixed with the ancient, with that particular and exotic Japanese sound well executed throughout the anime.

Pero yo lo que estoy es enamorado de ella como personaje y le diera un Beso en su precioso Ojo Tsukuyomi que tiene en la frente de su bello y delicado rostro, esta reseña se la dedico solo a ella como un tributo e mi Gran Diosa Conejo por su estética, su voz, su música, su tristeza, su belleza y su trasfondo en historia que a la final la veo como una mártir a la que no se le dio la oportunidad de defenderse o al menos hacerse explicar y en la desesperación por proteger lo que el instinto le ordeno, la locura irracional se apodero de ella.

Su Música para mi es la mejor de toda la Obra de Naruto, la estoy escuchando mientras escribo esta reseña y miren que este anime si que tiene bandas sonoras de poder en variados ritmos y emociones pero El Vacío en El Alma de Kaguya, su perdida, su anhelo, su temor y su deseo los percibo totalmente en esa canción que le representa, mezclada con lo antiguo, con ese sonido Japones tan particular y exótico bien ejecutado a lo largo de todo el anime



The main reason why I liked this character so much is because of its mythology, many critical things can be said about the anime but the way in which the Mangaka made those Japanese mythological stories his own to create his version of those same legends in order to mold and shape his work is something that I will always admire and envy.

Chapter 460 of Naruto Shippuden represents what I wrote in the previous paragraph and tells us in detail the background of Kaguya Ootsutsuki when she arrives to Earth, many will think that this story is just flashes of Japanese Mythology but I perceive more in what this chapter raises, I see a sacrifice, I see Kaguya's sin when she tasted that forbidden fruit and therefore she deserves to be punished for all eternity, she is very Eva and this is something that the rest of the characters in Naruto don't have, it is a unique characteristic that the author gave to her and only to her.

It makes me sad to see that the Mangaka's intention for Kaguya was to make her a Goddess but she ends up being a Marginalized and a Mockery within the fandom for representing precisely the decline in the coherence of what he wanted to show and tell.

La Razón Primigenia de porque este personaje me agrado tanto es por su Mitología, se pueden decir muchas cosas criticas del anime pero la manera en que hizo suya el Mangaka esas historias mitológicas Japonesas para crear su versión de esas mismas leyendas con el objetivo de moldear y darle forma a su obra es algo que por siempre admirare y envidiare.

El Capítulo 460 de Naruto Shippuden representa lo que escribí en el párrafo anterior y nos cuenta en detalle el trasfondo de Kaguya Ootsutsuki cuando llega a La Tierra, muchos pensaran que esta historia es solo destellos de Mitología Japonesa pero yo percibo mas en lo que plantea ese capítulo, veo un sacrificio, veo El Pecado de Kaguya al probar ese fruto prohibido y por tanto merece ser castigada por toda la eternidad, es muy Eva y esto es algo que no tienen el resto de personajes en Naruto, es una característica única que se la otorgo el autor a ella y solo a ella.

Me da pesar ver que la intención del Mangaka para Kaguya era hacerla toda una Diosa pero termina siendo toda una Marginada y una Burla dentro del fandom por representar precisamente el declive en la coherencia de lo que se quería mostrar y contar.



I can't defend her from the inconsistencies that are born from her, I recognize them, I see the negative that caused the character especially with her surname Ootsutsuki, I accept the hit and miss of that Micro Arc of what is supposed to be The Ultimate Villain.... if it is true that it becomes a failure as Plot Twist which even today makes many people convulse because of the way she was used out of nowhere to make Madara Uchiha aside, the latter is lethal because it is like replacing a gold crown for a copper one.

That's why kaguya is destined to be a sad and lonely character, misunderstood, a plot failure.... maybe that's why she always looked with so much silent agony at The Moon, because she knew in her precious Grey Eyes that she would never fit in The Ninja World.

But she does fit in my world, the positive things I see in the character I keep, when I see the Gif with the way she opens her eyes, it's a visual pass for me the character, that chapter 460 in my case I never get tired of watching it, if you are one of those few fans that have a slight affection for the character, I'm sure that's thanks to what happens in that chapter and its final moment.

A character that with more development, more time and encouragement from the Mangaka to be able to raise and order the ideas he had in his mind, I think he would have really contributed much more to the plot line that the mangaka wanted to execute.

No puedo defenderla de las inconsistencias que nacen a partir de ella, las reconozco, veo lo negativo que causo el personaje sobre todo con su apellido Ootsutsuki, acepto lo atropellado de ese Micro Arco de lo que se supone es La Villana Definitiva... si es verdad que se convierte en un fallo como Plot Twist el cual aun hoy hace convulsionar a muchos por la manera en que a ella de la nada se le uso para hacer a Madara Uchiha a un lado, esto último es letal porque es como sustituir una Corona de oro por una Cobre.

Por eso kaguya esta destinada a ser una personaje triste y sola, incomprendida, un fallo argumental.... quizá por eso ella siempre miraba con tanta agonía silenciosa a La Luna, porque ella sabía en sus preciosos Ojos Grises que nunca encajaría en El Mundo Ninja

Pero si encaja en mi mundo, las cosas positivas que veo en el personaje las conservo, cuando veo el Gif con la manera en que abre los ojos, es una pasada visual para mi el personaje, ese capítulo 460 en mi caso no me canso de verlo, si eres de esos pocos fans que le tienen un ligero cariño al personaje, estoy seguro que eso es gracias a lo que sucede en ese capítulo y su momento final.

Un personaje que con mas desarrollo, mas tiempo y animo del Mangaka para poder plantear y ordenar las ideas que tenía en su mente, pienso que fuese de verdad contribuido mucho mas a la línea argumental que el mangaka quería ejecutar.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.




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This character is one of those who most needed to develop a much more dignified introduction than the one they gave him. Starting with the fact that her first and only appearance is right after the pathetic death of the great Madara, it takes away a lot of weight from her as the ultimate villain. I mean, in comparison, Madara had an excellent development long before his appearance, there were entire chapters that developed or told something about this character, which helped give us an idea of what he was like and that ultimately, Madara would be the best villain in history.

Even his actual appearance on the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja War was one of the best chapters that Shippuden has of this much criticized arc. Anyway, I think that if the creator had given her an introduction or a better development, with details or direct and indirect signs of Kaguya and her presence during the story, before her appearance, maybe, just maybe would have been better. But it is clear that at that end the creator was already tired and had no ideas of what else to do, so he did the first thing that came to mind and it turned out so badly done, honestly.

It's not that I'm saying I don't like the character, but Kaguya had a lot of potential to give her more development or presence like Madara himself had or even more taking into account the weight. of its existence in history. And then, in the horrible sequel they released for Boruto, one or another villain appears who is related to Kaguya or something like that, which gives me more reason that she deserved a better development at the end of Shippuden.

But hey, I think if they had left Madara as the final villain it wouldn't have been so bad.

Just my opinion.

Nice post.