"Yubisaki to Renren" tells the story of a deaf-mute student whose world has been shrouded in silence since birth. He has lived in the same place his entire life and rarely interacts with anyone except his best friend Rin Fujishiro. One day, while traveling, he meets silver-haired Itsuomi Nagi. Unlike most people, Itsuomi was determined when he discovered Yuki's weakness. This, coupled with his experiences abroad, fascinated and moved him. After separating, his affection for her grew day by day. As Yuki and Itsuomi learn about each other's different lives, a new world begins to open up to them.
"Yubisaki to Renren" is a light comedy that depicts the still lives of college students and how men share their lives. The world began to change itself.
Yuki Itose: A deaf student finds new love and friendship with the help of Itsuomi Nagi. He faced challenges in communication but grew into a more confident person.
Itsuomi Nagi: An upperclassman who helps Yuki and opens up a new world for him. His warm and caring personality makes him attractive to Yuki.
The story begins when Yuki and Itsuomi meet on the train. As time goes by, their relationship develops, and Yuki begins to develop romantic feelings for Itsuomi.
Conflict arises when Yuki has to face communication barriers due to hearing loss. However, they all worked hard to overcome these obstacles together.
Loyalty and Sacrifice: The characters in this anime show loyalty and sacrifice in supporting each other.
The order at which you're introducing the show is confusing. You introduced the characters first before the plot. Was this intentional?
What do you mean by this? I don't think this is the plot of the show when it's heavily invested into Romance than comedy.
There's this word in between paragraphs? was this an error from proofreading?
On what part did this show had a scene where "sacrifice" was a main focus based on the current episodes released so far?
I don't think Yuki has been referencing the star crossed lovers trope in her internal monologues to divert the show to themes of finding soul mates. Is this entry made for the purpose of doing an introduction or is this really part of your review of the show?
Yes, I read the posts here.
I only made this article with what I have watched, sorry if this article is not interesting or there is something missing
I'm not pointing out the post being uninteresting, I only highlighted areas that are confusing to read and what you think about it. I had a question about where in the show did sacrifice became a theme, I wanted to clarify what you meant by that?
es un anime encantador, aunque aún falta historia para ver qué pasará con esta linda pareja. lindo post!
it's a lovely anime, although there is still a lack of story to see what will happen with this cute couple. nice post!
Un anime bueno e interesante, definitivamente habrá mucha gente que lo verá, espero que tengas un buen día hermano.
The story is beautiful and sweet the way they express their feelings is more amazing I would love to watch this anime and spend some quality time💖
I hope you enjoy the anime and are also entertained