[REVIEW] One Piece : Is it really that good? / ESP - ENG.


Hello great community Hive! 😁 I had taken some time to make another post, and the truth is that I've been busy between college assignments and watching anime that I'm going to talk about in this post, this has been very dear, at the same time that many have found it hard to start, but from my experience, I invite you to watch it because it really is worth it.

Hola grandiosa comunidad de hive!😁 Me habia tomado un tiempo para hacer otro post, y la verdad, es que he estado ocupado entre tareas de la universiad y viendo anime que les voy a hablar en este post, este ha sido muy querido, a la vez que a muchos les ha costado comenzar, pero desde mi experiencia, los invito a verlo por que realmente si vale la pena. 😌

Yes friends, I want to talk to you about One Piece🤭, recently a colleague lent me his Crunchyroll account and I was super excited, I wanted to start with this anime that I already mentioned. The truth is that I was a little intimidated by the amount of chapters it had, even at the beginning it was a little heavy, but also, there was a part of me that wanted to keep watching it.

Si amigos, quiero hablarles de One Piece🤭, hace poco un compañero me prestó su cuenta de Crunchyroll y yo super emocioado, quise comenzar por este anime que ya mencioné. La verdad me intimidó un poco la cantidad de capitulos que tenía, hasta el principio se me hizo un poco pesado, pero tambien, habia una parte en mi que quería seguir viendo que pasaba.




I didn't expect to be so hooked with this anime, currently I've watched more than 61 episodes, which would be like the first season according to Crunchyroll, which is when they cross the Red Line, to go to the Grand Line (and yes, I know they are few episodes for those that are still missing) but it's true, I had never had such a great connection with the characters, so sentimental, that I really put myself in the shoes of each character of Luffy's crew and I felt very identified with them. Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Luffy, words fall short trying to describe each character and their essence which I love, besides the fact that each one has a goal and they all support each other to achieve it.

No me esperaba que me enganchara tanto con este anime, actualmente llevo mas de 61 capitulos vistos, que sería como la primera temporada segun Crunchyroll, que es cuando cruzan el Red Line, para ir al Grand Line (y si, se que son pocos capitulos para los que aun falta) pero es cierto, que nunca me habia pasado una conexion tan grande con los personajes, tan sentimental, que de verdad me ponía en los zapatos de cada personaje de la tripulación de Luffy y me sentía muy identificado con ellos. Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Luffy, las palabras se quedan cortas intentando describir a cada personaje y su esencia la cual me encanta, ademas de que cada uno tenga un obejtivo y entre todos se apoyen para así alcanzarlo.🤩


Luffy, who is the main character, is a character that we can already see that he is quite strong and as the story progresses, he defeats along with his companions a large number of enemies, something that I admire is his great willpower to follow and achieve his dream, to be the King of the Piaratas.

Luffy quien es el personaje principal, es un personaje que de lleno ya podemos ver que es bastante fuerte y a medida que va avanzando la historia, este va derrotando junto a sus compañeros a gran cantidades de enemigos, algo que admiro es su gran fuera de voluntad para seguir y alacanzar su sueño, ser el Rey de los Piaratas.

I've already been given several spoilers about what's to come and what's going to happen later on, but if I'm honest, it's more exciting when you see that part for yourself and visualize what's actually going to happen in the chapter.

Ya me han hecho varios spoiler acerca de lo que vendrá y sucederá mas adelante, pero si les soy sincero, es mas emocionante cuando ves esa parte por ti mismo y visualizas que es lo que pasa en sí en el capitulo.

Really, if you haven't seen this anime yet, and you really want to do it and you really want to, do it, because it is really worth it. Don't be afraid, at the beginning it will cost you a little (I tell you because it happened to me) but then you will love it, you will laugh, cry, sometimes you will be annoyed by the characters. But in the end you will be super hooked to this anime.😍

De verdad, si aun no has visto este anime, y quieres hacerlo y de verdad tienes muchas ganas, hazlo, porque de verdad vale mucho mucho, la pena. No tengas miedo, al principio te va a costar un poco (te lo digo porque a mi me pasó) pero luego te va a encantar, vas a reir, llorar, a veces molestias por parte de los personajes. Pero al final vas a quedar super enganchado hacia este anime.😍

If you have seen One Piece before, I would like you to leave a comment about your opinion, and if you haven't seen it you can also comment about why, or if you plan to see it. Best regards and see you in the next post!😁😊

Si has visto One Piece antes, me gustaría que dejaras un comentario acerca de tu opinion, y si no las has visto tambien puedes comentar sobre el porque, o si la piensas ver. Un abrazo y nos vemos en el proximo post!😁😊