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RE: (ENG/ESP) My experience attending Comic-Con after several years / Mi experiencia asistiendo a la Comic-Con después de varios años

in The Anime Realm13 days ago

Oh yeah! That was one of the most amazing booths. Those Barbies weren’t for sale, they were just for display 👀 They even had some vintage dolls on the table next to them. I’ve seen that there are several Barbie doll collectors in the country, but this is the first time I’ve seen such beautiful outfits up close, it even made me want to dress my dolls 😆 You would have definitely been fascinated to see them in person 😊 Absolutely! I usually have to go alone to most of the things I go to haha ​​but those nerves always accompany me haha ​​but, as you mentioned, the attendants were kind and when I realized, I was already “like a fish in water” 😁 Thank you so much for visiting my post and for commenting! 😘💚

sue_smile corazon.png