🎬 📹 The soundtracks in the anime🎬 📹

in The Anime Realmlast month (edited)


One of the things that makes me love anime is when they have a great soundtrack. A good soundtrack transports you and many times I listen to soundtracks as if they were a normal playlist of ordinary music because I feel it is necessary to inspire me or to relax me. You might think that when I talk about soundtracks I am referring to the openings and endings of the anime, which is something really characteristic in the medium, and that, thinking about it, serves for a top on its own, but I am not talking about those songs despite how good they can be, but about the songs that sound at some specific moment of the anime; those songs that serve as a live motive for a character or a situation and that get stuck in your mind.

Una de las cosas que me hace amar el anime es cuándo estos tienen un gran soundtrack. Un buen soundtrack te transporta y muchas veces escucho soundtracks como si fueran una playlist normal de música corriente porque siento que es necesario para inspirarme o para relajarme. Podría pensarse que cuando hablo de soundtracks me refiero a los openings y los endings de los animes, que es algo realmente característico en el medio, y que, pensándolo bien, sirve para un top por sí solo, pero no hablo de esas canciones a pesar de lo buenas que pueden llegar a ser, sino de las canciones que suenan en algún momento especifico del anime; esas canciones que sirven de live motive para un personaje o una situación y que se quedan clavadas en la mente.



The Devilman Crybaby soundtrack always comes to my mind, but I find that kind of electronic music sensational and perfect for writing or working out, music that I listen to or that I would like to play at a party if possible, because I know it can pass as a party song, depending on the party. For anyone who hasn't heard that soundtrack or seen the anime, its songs are basically loud electronica like you might hear at a rave. This is not surprising, since the director usually uses a lot of music in his anime, as he also did in Ping Pong the animation, which also has several songs that I usually listen to in my day to day life.

A mi mente siempre llega el soundtrack de Devilman Crybaby, pero es que ese tipo de música electrónica me parece sensacional y perfecta para escribir o hacer ejercicio, música que escucho o que me gustaría poner en una fiesta si es posible, porque sé que puede pasar como una canción de fiesta, dependiendo de la fiesta. Para quien no haya escuchado ese soundtrack o haya visto el anime, sus canciones son básicamente una electrónica fuerte cómo las que se podrían escuchar en un rave. Esto no es de sorprenderse, ya que el director suele usar mucho la música en sus animes, cómo lo hizo también en Ping Pong the animation, que también tiene varias canciones que suelo escuchar en mi día a día.


Also, the most obvious example that can be taken in these cases is Cowboy bebop, which forgive me if I mention it several times in several posts, but it gives a thousand shots and each one hits the target. This time, talking about music, jazz and blues to complement both the action and melancholy scenes seen throughout the series is something that always stands out; however, I find it more interesting how its director, Watanabe, uses music in another of his most important anime: samurai Champloo. Using one of my favorite producers, the late Nujabes, Samurai Champloo more than fulfills that of giving a whole show mixing very well produced beats with combat choreographies that left me more than once with my mouth open.

También, el ejemplo más obvio que se puede tomar en estos casos es el de Cowboy bebop, que me perdonan si lo menciono varias veces en varios posts, pero es que da mil tiros y cada uno da en el blanco. Esta vez, hablando de música, el jazz y el blues para complementar tanto las escenas de acción cómo de melancolía que se ven durante toda la serie es algo que siempre resalta; sin embargo, me parece más interesante como su director, Watanabe, usa la música en otro de sus animes más importantes: samurái Champloo. Utilizando a uno de mis productores favoritos, el difunto Nujabes, Samurai Champloo cumple con creces eso de dar todo un espectáculo mezclando los beats muy bien producidos con unas coreografías de combate que me dejaron más de una vez con la boca abierta.



Apart from all that, we have the shonens that never disappoint with their soundtracks that have to be at least as legendary and epic as their fights. Impossible not to mention Boku No hero or Dragon Ball (special mention to Tapion's movie and that so recognizable harmony), but for me, at least for what I felt when watching it, the clear winner of epic soundtracks in anime is Haikyuu, which makes me feel every point as if it were the winner. This can only be achieved with a good soundtrack and I am very sure that the directors have that very clear in their minds, since in a medium where animation is so comparable, standing out with the soundtrack becomes an act of creativity.

Desprendiéndose de todo eso, tenemos a los shonens que nunca decepcionan con sus soundtracks que tienen que ser al menos tan legendarios y épicos cómo sus peleas. Imposible no mencionar a Boku No hero o a Dragon Ball (mención especial a la película de Tapion y esa armonía tan reconocible), pero para mí, por lo menos por lo que sentí al verlo, el claro ganador de los soundtracks épicos en el anime es Haikyuu, que me hace sentir cada punto cómo si fuera el ganador. Esto solo se logra con un buen soundtrack y estoy muy seguro de que los directores tienen muy claro eso en sus mentes, ya que en un medio dónde la animación es tan comparable, resaltar con el soundtrack se vuelve un acto de creatividad.




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The soundtrack is one of the most important parts of any story, it brings us deeper into the story and that is something that the manga doesn't have haha there are some that are recorded forever and are so epic that make a good scene, a work of art 😍

It is one of the big differences between manga and anime, and they can leave a deep mark depending on the moment you listen to it.

I really liked Samurai Champloo, it's a very good anime, the baseball episode and the little dog haha ​​is the one I remember and it still makes me laugh.
good music this great anime contains, thanks for sharing/

That episode always remains in the mind when one watches that anime, it is hilarious. This is really the anime with the best soundtrack in my opinion, nujabes is very much alike to what I listen to.

Music in anime can make a scene feel even more intense and memorable. "Devilman Crybaby" has a soundtrack that really draws you in, and the electronic music gives it that perfect touch for adrenaline-pumping moments. And of course, "Haikyuu" with its epic music makes every point a celebration. Glad you're sharing! 👋

Yes the music is very important, from the opegings and endings, to the back ground or battle songs, it can turn something good into something incredible, thanks for reading!