We're going to make this a weekly mini-contest where we ask something related to Anime. Read the rules carefully.
The results of Ask Anime #3 will be announced post payout after we sift through your entries. Now for this week's question:
Ask Anime Question of the Week:
Let's hear your opinion on what genre has the lowest number of anime patrons. It doesn't matter if it's really proven by numbers, we're just asking why do you think anime showing themes of blank or blank has less viewers than other genres?
- Comment your answer to the weekly question to this post as an entry.
- Must be in English but you can attach a section for a different language too as long as there is an English section that conveys the same thought.
- No need to make a post about the contest or use a specific tag for your post. You can still post about this but it serves no purpose in picking a winner.
- Tag someone who you think might be interested in joining (optional) but if that person participates in the event, there's a bonus reward IF either of you wins. In cases where multiple users tag the same person, we'll count only the user that mentioned that person first as evidenced by the time stamp on the blockchain.
- Comments must be below 4 sentences for the actual entry. There's no need to comment 4 sentences for an entry, it's just a max number to avoid the entries becoming long form posts. If you have conversations in the comment section, make sure it's done on a separate comment/reply section.
- Response must not be AI generated. While this can sometimes be a challenge to detect and prove, it's not worth trying because you're being asked to share in your own words.
- Only 1 winner will be picked. Criteria for judging will not be disclosed but the closest hint available is: put some thought into your answer within the limited number of sentences available.
Notes: Think less of this as a contest and more of an avenue to share your thoughts and get more exposure within the community. We'll adapt the mechanics of the contest depending on the outcome of the previous contests so expect rules can change in the future.
Prize: The winner will receive 2 Hive.
If you won and tagged another user that participated in the mini-contest, you get 3 Hive and the other person you tagged gets 1 Hive.
If the person you tagged won, they get 3 Hive and you get 1 Hive for tagging them along.
I think the least popular is Mecha because I haven't seen a lot of the genre in the mainstream. I have seen a few Mechas and I only get interested in Gundam, most notably the two series Gundam Wing (featuring Gundam Zero Type) and Gundam Seed Destiny (featuring Strike Freedom Gundam).
Mecha anime used to be much more common. I started with Robotech and moved to others. Vandread sticks out on my mind. However, they are nowhere near as common as they once were :)
When was robotech shown?
1985 for Robotech although it was based on Macross 1982 (it was 3 anime edited into one marketed for North America...long story).
Escaflowne, Votoms, and Evangelion would be other notables from my time in anime Or Battletech for an anime made for the American market :)
Evangelion, I think it is one of the anime that I also watched.
that's true
I'm going to say "Real World Anime" or possibly "Slice of Life" anime. Anime without superpowers, magic, robots, alternate worlds, and so on. One with just real people, real problems, and real situations. It's been 25 years since I've watched it but I'm going to nominate :
Maison Ikkoku as an example of this genre.
Source: Anime Lovers
i actually do not know the answer to the question since i really do not have the statistics. but i can answer which anime genre is the least popular to me. i would not likely watch mecha, i know that it is well loved by others but i just don't find any joy in watching this genre. plot in mecha is space invasion rewritten in every possible scenario.
what are your thoughts @ohlnwwlknat
LOL same thoughts, lots of variations but the point is just the same thing. no for mecha animes for me too.
My pick is 100% pure romance (no comedy, just romance). If I am not mistaken most of the time I watch Romance Comedy animes but not a 100% or pure romance anime.
Well this is my biased thought but I can never NEVER read or watch Boy Love😂
Normally all romance anime give me the icks but BL itself kills me.
I also think it's the least popular cause well, there aren't a lot of it around 😀
Which do you think is the least popular@deraa, @ahmadmanga and @omokhafue
Nah, I actually do find bl anime interesting and satisfying to watch😂. Showing off the fact you're homophobic?🥲😂.
I'd say the least popular anime in my own opinion should be Shojo animes🥲
I'm not homophobic 😂😂😂
I just hate it 😂😂
I think mystery animes are the least popular. While there are several animes that are recognized such as Detective Conan, the genre has not been explored as it deserves in my opinion. I almost never find an anime of this genre and maybe it is because it's a difficult plot to handle and understand.
I would like to invite @zupasteleria 👌👀
writing a plot with mystery is already not easy so yeah, probably less fans out there. also it's like nerdy stuff so it's not for everyone.
i like mystery animes though. 😂
haha I like them too, I feel nerdy 😂 but sometimes the translations get a little complicated and it's hard to understand them, just like you said @itz.inno 😂
yes so true. it could also be that these types of animes are the hardest to translate; thus, less known to non japanese speakers.
That could be another very good reason, Japanese is difficult by itself, let's imagine with a complicated plot 😲
Over time I could not say which anime genre has been the least popular but at least currently a genre that has lost a lot of prominence and even today there are very few new anime of that genre are the horror anime.
In the past I remember that there were very good horror anime and even I have been recommended very good iconic anime where you really ended up terrified after each chapter but at least in recent years there have been very few anime that decide to focus on horror and even fewer that stand out exclusively with a true horror and manage to be entertaining, I'm not a big fan of horror but it would be interesting to see some new anime of this genre from time to time.
have you watched "the another"? it's pretty old but fits horror. or suspense