Hello everyone! Welcome to The Anime Realm community curation report #59. This will be one of many reports which will be used to highlight users who have done a very good job in the last days. Each moderator is in charge of reviewing compliance with the community rules, user engagement as well as other factors.
One of our missions as a community is to grow this niche that we like so much and that allows us to get into this world that is full of good stories and lots of fun, so your posts and experiences are very important for us to know more and more anime and manga.
Community Curation Report #59
Below, we mention the authors and publications selected by the curation team in this report. And these are:
We encourage you to keep the flame alive and we wait for you with open arms in your next publications, for sure you will continue to share quality content with the community. Also, we remind you of the importance of visiting and supporting the posts of other users, let's keep in mind that this makes us grow as users and as a community.
About the community
The Anime Realm is a global community where you can share anime and manga related content such as reviews, opinion articles, critiques, personal stories, AMV, Fan-Art, news, cosplays and much more. Don't waste any more time and share your content with us!
We invite you to review the suggested guidelines post as well as the community rules to become much more familiar with us.
Many thanks to the team for their work and support. Congratulations to all those mentioned.
A hug to all, greetings!!
Thanks to you for always sharing with the community. Hugs back!
Hola amigos otakus , mil gracias por tanto apoyo, me dan muchísimo ánimo para continuar haciendo lo que más me gusta para esta maravillosa comunidad. Fuerte abrazó para todos los mencionados. 💐
Gracias a ti por elegirnos, sigamos creciendo juntos como comunidad. ¡Nos vemos!
Yey i got included thank you ~
It is a pleasure for us to receive your content. Best regards!
Thank you very much for your support always.
It is a pleasure for us!
Yay! Thanks for the mention! I'm really thrilled to be one of it, and congratulations as well to other mentioned authors.
Arigatou minna~
You are always welcome! See you around!
Thank you so much for your support.
It is always a pleasure.
Muchísimas gracias amigos de @theanimerealm es bonito compartir este gusto con ustedes y encontrar a grandes fans del anime y manga con tanto conocimiento en la materia. Felicidades a los mencionados en este reporte y nuevamente gracias por este apoyo tan genial que nos brindan 🙌😀💛... You Absolutely Rockkkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️
Gracias a ti por compartir tu valioso contenido, siempre será bien recibido. ¡Nos vemos!
Thank you for sharing to us
The content is really great 🥰
More grace ..!
Users do a great job, we're glad you like it.
Hola se que no es este precisamente el lugar para preguntar pero bueno, en que páginas puedo encontrar imágenes de mangas y animes que pueda poner en mis publicaciones? Si los descargo de Pinterest y pongo que los descargue de allí esta bien? Y si hago una captura de pantalla de Manga Dogs se puede?
Lo recomendable es obtener las imágenes de las web oficiales de los anime y manga, pero sabemos que a veces allí no encontramos lo que buscamos, así que esta bien obtenerlas de cualquier fandom siempre y cuando menciones los créditos de las fuentes. ¡Saludos!
Gracias así lo haré