The Anime Realm Quest For August 2024 (New Updates!)

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In exchange of the monthly blogging contest in TAR, we'll be having a monthly quest in the community! This is to encourage one another and to also promote the community!

Everyone is welcome to join!

The quest will span for the whole month so you can join anytime!
Just be careful to follow the instructions. 😉

We have new updates so make sure to read along!


Everyone thinking of participating the quest should leave a comment anytime this month expressing their commitment to join.

  • First 3 to complete the quest: 5 HIVE each
  • Wasn't able to make to the first 3 finishers or incomplete quest: 5 HIVE divided among all the participants (that's why make sure to leave a comment if you're joining!)
  • Participation bonus with at least 1 verified entry: 0.5 HIVE (make sure to leave links to your entries even incomplete)
  • Successful invitation bonus: 0.5 HIVE (make sure your invite will join and make at least 1 entry)

The format for the links are stated in the Rules section.

Monthly Quest

This month, your quest is to complete the following:

1. Write at least 2 posts related to anime with any topic

This can include any reviews, cosplay events, collectibles, anime pilgrimage, fan arts, manga or manhwa you're reading, and many more.

The gap of all posts should be at least 3 days apart. Please check the Rules for more details.

2. Write at least 3 posts of any horror anime

Summer in Japan is usually the ghost season. Have you noticed there are a lot of horror animes released at this time? Share some reviews about these animes. It doesn't have to be the mega horror kind - stories about yurei, youkai or anything will work too!

This should be separate from #1.

3. Participate in at least 6 small events

You can choose from a bunch of small events that we have:

  • Ask Anime
  • Manga Mondays
  • Wild Plot Wednesdays
  • Anime Tracks Thursdays

4. Engage with other authors

Leave meaningful comments to other authors' post and not just yours. This is always a given but for those who don't know, engagement is greatly encourage in the community. We will review the comments you made and evaluate it if it's really not just a "thank you" or a "good anime".

Invite other people to join the quests too!
The more, the merrier!


The rules are pretty simple.
Make sure to check #6 and #7 as they are new additional rules!

  1. Posts should be written in The Anime Realm Community.
  2. Your post should have a minimum of 300 words, not including the translation.
  3. English content. If you're content has other language, please have a section for English translation first.
  4. No plagiarism, content and photos. Properly cite the sources.
  5. Important! The gap for all posts should be at least 3 days apart. This means to fulfill item #1 and #2, you need at least 3 weeks to complete it. While we encourage you to write daily in the community, it looks like spam posting so please avoid writing posts daily just to complete the quest items.
  6. NEW!! If you want to join, express your commitment of joining in the comments.
  7. NEW!! Invite at least 1 person to join this contest.
  8. Once you complete the quest, leave a comment in this post and we will verify. The comment should contain the links to the posts you made as proof to make it easy for us to track per account.

If you want to join, don't forget to comment anytime this month.

Hello, I want to join this month's quest.

Once quest has been completed, comment with this format.
This format should also be the same even if you didn't complete the quest - make sure to comment at the end of the month so you will be counted for the prize that will be split among the non winners.

Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 1
Link 2
Item 2 Horror Anime:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Item 3 Small Events:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Link 6

Remember, please make sure to follow the rules.
If you have questions or concerns, reach out to us in the comments or in the discord server.

Deadline for this quest is on August 31, 2024 EOD UTC time.


This is just a bonus. If you're making the posts, you're already earning post rewards and a chance to get curated.

But since this is a quest, we have prizes for you to enjoy!

The first 3 people to complete the quest will win 5 HIVE each.


For people who expressed they will join the quest, they will get 0.5 HIVE when it's confirmed that they have at least 1 entry.

For people who invites others to join the quest, the person who invited will get 0.5 HIVE when it's confirmed that the person they invited will join the quest and has at least 1 entry.

For those people who didn't make it to the first 3 finishers or who weren't able to complete the quest, there will be 5 HIVE divided among the participants. Make sure to leave a comment at the end of the month so you'll be counted.

Special thanks to the donations for the prizes to be given to the community. If you want to donate, it will be a big help in making the community grow so thank you!

We will be waiting for your entries!


Hope to participate. Thank you for all the support.😍

We want to know if you have made at least an entry @psyberkid so if you did, please let us know!

I am very sorry. For some reason I was taking a little break last month. So I couldn't make any posts. But now I am back with full energy and I will be active from this month.
Thank You so much 💖

that's okay! hope you'll join us in this month's quest

We'll be expecting your entries!

I dont think there are many horror anime at the moment. I can see a lot of action and some comedy. But no horror as far as I can see. Historically the only summer theme horror anime is the famous When they cry as there are many hot summer scenes on the villages.

This year is said to be short on supply for horror themes but in the past it's during this time that there are horror animes that were released.
Anyways the quest is not just about this season or this year's horror anime, it could be anytime as long as it’s horror. The released timing of the anime is irrelevant for this quest - as long as it’s horror then good.

I wouldn't call it horror as there is really no Gore but there is a feel to Deadman Wonderland or Squid Game is the new series Tasuuketsu

I hope you made at least 1 entry for this month @jza!
If you did, please let us know.

Haven't but the night is young.

hey this is super interesting this Quest :D a summer of terror hahaha that good. i'm not much of this style of anime but if i've seen some, it will be a pleasure to participate :D

I hope you'll try to watch some!
If not, it's okay~

If you join but couldn't complete the quest, it's okay to drop your entries here at the end of the month so we can verify you've joined.
There's still a bounty for non-completers so there's a chance to win!

I know that summer is ghost season in Japan because of Obon, but do we really have to choose horror anime released during summer season? Most of the horror anime I've watched and planning to watch were released in winter. haha

Nope, it can be any horror released during any season, as long as it’s horror

Thankies! <3

Horror huh...I guess I'll try again this month! Supernatural animes were one of my faves (but classes are drawing near—palayo! palayo saaa~ ahuhuhu ), so nevertheless, I'll really try if I got time!

We've confirmed your participation so sending 0.5 HIVE~

I hope you can complete the quest but if not, it's okay to drop your entries here at the end of the month since there's still a bounty for non-finishers~

Definitely will try to finish it since I've already dropped some anime recs for this month's quest!

Spent my 6 days into August doing random things. Came back legal btw,18 rn!😂 I'm pumped for this, been watching a lot of movies lately and idk been slacking a lot in the aspect of watching anime,I really don't know why. Maybe this quest would give me that push to binge watch again.

We're late but happy birthday! Hope you'll join the quest this month!

@omokhafue I hope you made at least 1 entry in this month's quest. If you did, let us know!

I am looking forward to taking part!!!!

Not a massive horror fan so I am not sure what to post for that, unless I put the Harem Anime's as the horror submissions 😅

Also a question about posting daily. I have been posting quite a bit so sorry if you feel it is spammy. Please don't kick me out haha

Sorry for the late reply but don't worry, we won't kick you out HAHA

Finally! I dropped the last item of my entry for this month's quest... but hehe I'm not really sure if I qualified because I wasn't able to follow rule 7—so...

Item 1.1:
Item 1.2:

Item 2.1:
Item 2.2:
Item 2.3:

Item 3.1:
Item 3.2:
Item 3.3:
Item 3.4:
Item 3.5:
Item 3.6:

Congratulations for completing the quest @ridgette!
I was surprised almost all the animes you've made a review were horrors! 😅

No problem about the invitation~

Thank you, @theanimerealm! I guess I got carried away with my horror binge-watching! I still have some remaining horror anime recs to watch, so I think I'll still go on with them for now ahahaha.


Congratulations for completing this month's quest @kuronokenshi!
Those horror animes you've shared were so eerie! I'm surprised you were able to find those animes from the past years!
I saw in one of your post that you've invited a friend. Hopefully your friend will join us here in the community!

We're feeling generous so being in the 4th place, you've won 3 HIVE!
Since we have given you 3 HIVE already, your name won't be in the bounty for non-finishers of the quest.
But anyways, congratulations!

Thankyou ever so much
I appreciate it

Thank you for joining this month's quest!
We're a bit confused on the links so can you arrange them? I think there are also 2 links that were attached together. 😅

Actually you're the 4th to complete the quest but let's see at the end of the month what happens..
We might be feeling generous...

Il do it right this month.. I promise... well il try XD