The Anime Realm Quest For June 2024

in The Anime Realm10 months ago
Countdown terminated on Jul 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

tar quest.png

In exchange of the monthly blogging contest in TAR, we'll be having a monthly quest in the community! This is to encourage one another and to also promote the community!

Everyone is welcome to join!

The quest will span for the whole month so you can join anytime!
Just be careful to follow the instructions. 😉

Monthly Quest

This month, your quest is to complete the following:

1. Write at least 3 posts related to anime with any topic

This can include any reviews, cosplay events, anime pilgrimage, fan arts, manga or manhwa you're reading, and many more.

The gap of all posts should be at least 3 days apart. Please check the Rules for more details.

2. Recommend at least 2 80s or 90s anime

The classic ones.. You should be able to find gems from the anime of the good old days. Animation may not be as great as today but who knows, maybe you can something interesting that you can share with us.

This should be separate from #1.

3. Write a post about your anime-related collection

Be it manga, figures, posters or anything related to anime, share it with us. We want to see your collection! They say 3 or more makes it a collection but if you have something grand that's only 1 or 2, it can be considered.

This should be separate from #1.

4. Participate in at least 5 Ask Anime and/or Manga Monday events

Ask Anime and Manga Monday events are done weekly. You can participate by answering the weekly question in the comments.

In the future, we will be including other events too so make sure to join them!

5. Engage with other authors

Leave meaningful comments to other authors' post and not just yours. This is always a given but for those who don't know, engagement is greatly encourage in the community. We will review the comments you made and evaluate it if it's really not just a "thank you" or a "good anime".


The rules are pretty simple:

  1. Posts should be written in The Anime Realm Community.
  2. Your post should have a minimum of 300 words, not including the translation.
  3. English content. If you're content has other language, please have a section for English translation first.
  4. No plagiarism, content and photos. Properly cite the sources.
  5. Important! The gap for all posts should be at least 3 days apart. This means to fulfill item #1, #2 and #3, you need at least 3 weeks to complete it. While we encourage you to write daily in the community, it looks like spam posting so please avoid writing posts daily just to complete the quest items.
  6. Once you complete the quest, leave a comment in this post and we will verify. The comment should contain the links to the posts you made as proof to make it easy for us to track per account.

Not a strict format but you can try doing:

Item 1 Anime Posts:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Item 2 80s or 90s Anime:
Link 1
Link 2
Item 3 Anime-related Collection:
Link 1
Item 4 Ask Anime/Manga Mondays Comments:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5

And comment it below this post when you're done.

Remember, please make sure to follow the rules.

Deadline for this quest is on June 30, 2024 EOD UTC time.


This is just a bonus. If you're making the posts, you're already earning post rewards and a chance to get curated.

But since this is a quest, we have prizes for you to enjoy!

The first 3 people to complete the quest will win 5 HIVE.

Special thanks to the donations for the prizes to be given to the community. If you want to donate, it will be a big help in making the community grow so thank you!

We will be waiting for your entries!

Click on the banner to join The Anime Realm discord server.

Countdown terminated on Jul 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

Congratulations on being the first to complete the quest for the month of June! the reward has been sent and thank you!

Yaaay! Thanks a bunch as always! <3

Seems like you're the only one that managed to accomplish this quest.

Yeah... Where are all the otaku(s) at? hahaha

Congratulations for being the only one that managed to complete the quest!

Thank you... :)

Wow!!! There are more stuff to do, but it's more challenging and fun that way. I'm just not sure if I could insert it in my schedule these days. T_T I'm bombarded with work and other stuff... but still, I'll try to participate! <3

Have fun everyone!!!!

I hope you'll do! Good luck!


Please, what does this anime collection mean?

They want us to show them any anime-related goods or merch that we have... figurines, magazines, stickers, posters, plushies, and and the like. :)

Okay thanks

Same with me. I didn't get to participate last moth also due to many load of work given! 😭, Anyway, Good luck to both of us. hope we could squeeze in more time for this!

Wow, more interesting events. I love it. At times, according to my schedule for writing posts, it might clash with manga Mondays, and because of this, I might end up writing posts two times on Monday. Is there a way I can solve this?

Anything aside from that, I'm good to go.

Maybe you can just comment your Manga Monday entry for that week? :) And post your other scheduled one. ^^ I think posting two on the same day would be considered spamming... or maybe not? haha