I am interested in contributing to the campaign initiated by The Anime RealmWild Plot Wednesdays #1: Share Your Original Anime Plot with the tag #wildplotwednesdays1 with the initial theme, namely writing anime plots in the Isekai genre, I am very enthusiastic about taking part in this contest and you can also take part if you are interested in writing isekai anime stories according to your wishes. and @adamada entitled
I'll start with the title, I will use the anime title "A bullied student who is drawn into the World of Isekai and Becomes a luxury taxi driver". or the Japanese version is entitled 「いじめられっ子が異世界に転移して高級タクシードライバーになる」(`Ijimerarekko ga I Sekai ni ten'i shite kōkyū takushīdoraibā ni Naru'), this anime that I wrote tells the story of a high school student named Hyde, who becomes a victim of bullying at the start of his school season. He was bullied because he had a different eye color than ordinary people, and not many students in his class didn't want to make friends. After all, they were afraid of being bullied by Takiya, Eddie, and Nakamura, who were the cruelest trio of bullies in the class.

At one point, Hyde was coming home from school, passing by the supermarket where he usually bought drinks, and as he walked he imagined his gloomy life because he was always being bullied, suddenly changed in an instant. Hyde imagines his life in a different, faraway place, and he wants to become a strong person to help other people who are victims of an incident or injustice.
Suddenly, Hyde experienced something strange in his body, he felt like he was being pulled up and couldn't do anything or ask for help until finally, Hyde disappeared, and when he realized he was in an empty building in the middle of nowhere. Hyde was trapped in one of the taxi company offices, and he felt strange because he never imagined he would be in another world, he was approached by a young woman and then explained that Hyde was no longer living in his previous body, he was living in the body of a man 25-year-old who is a luxury taxi driver who has a secret mission to help people in trouble in life.
That's a short plot about an Isekai anime that I wrote, the idea for the story came from several inspirational films or series that I watched recently, maybe I will write a longer story in the next post.
I had this run on a word counter and cut out some parts of the post that were in excess. I didn't include the title and the opening sentence as part of the plot. Nice attempt, so far you're the only one that made a separate post from #wildplot and #mangamondays series.
Thank you for your appreciation, I think that content like what you have suggested should be made into a separate post rather than just writing in the form of comments, because we can express our ideas more expressively and feel freer in writing.
I hope that more friends will contribute to every contest created by this Community, because with this contest we can also support each other and give suggestions to make things better in the future. Best of luck @adamada
Oh my God you are writing an anime that's so incredible thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for your compliment :)
Seems fun! Why a luxurious taxi driver though 😂 He just lost a few years of youth because now he's an adult hahaha
hahah I think the same before, but recently I jist finish watching korean series called Taxi Driver, and I just inspired by them. Thank you for read my weird story isekai anime :)