
un anime que vale la pena ver dos veces, buen post!

an anime worth watching twice, good post!

definitivamente 🤗

definitely 🤗

Maomao es ese tipo de personaje que te atrapa con su ironía y astucia. 😂 Y sí, los openings son obras de arte que ni en sueños salto. Buena reseña!

Los openings son una maravilla 😍, simplemente me encantan y Maomao se me hace una protagonista inolvidable. Gracias por comentar mi post

The openings are a marvel 😍, I simply love them and Maomao becomes an unforgettable protagonist for me. Thanks for commenting on my post

Excelente reseña, a mi también me encanta este post

Muchas gracias 🤗

Thank you very much 🤗

Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!

I'm totally in love with this show, keeping up with the current season too😭✨✋
It's just too good!

Es entretenido y tiene de todo para mantenernos enganchados 😊

It's entertaining and has everything to keep us hooked 😊.


This is one of the best anime I've ever seen (and continue to watch since its second season is still airing) in my life. An anime that surprises by proving to be the complete opposite of what it appears to be at first, with a incredible story and very, very well developed characters. Not to mention the excellent animation work it has from one of the best studios today. The soundtrack is the best, especially the last opening which is too catchy and hard to forget.

Excellent recommendation.