Una voz silenciosa/ A silent voice

Al inicio de la película nos dan a conocer a Shouko Nishimiya una niña la cual no podía escuchar que se traslada a una nueva escuela.

Días después de su llegada comienza a ser intimidada por la mayoría de los estudiantes, entre ellos:

Shoya Ishida

Naoka Ueno

Miki Kawai

Kazuki Shimada

Keisuke Hirose.

Ishida seguido por Hirose y Shimada siempre la empujaba y le gritaba, pero llego al extremo cuando lanzó ocho de sus aparatos para poder escuchar.

Al día siguiente el director anunció que la madre de Nishimiya decidió transferirla de escuela, ya que se percató que su hija podía estar siendo víctima de bully y mencionó además que los aparatos que usaba la muchacha para intentar escuchar eran muy costosos. Luego de dar esa información el director cuestiona a los estudiantes si han visto a Nishimiya siendo intimidada por alguien a lo que el maestro exclama ante todos que Ishida era quien la molestaba, le pregunta a Ueno si ella lo había visto y esta miente diciendo que intento detenerlo, pero él no la escuchaba. Ishida se molestó a tal punto por esa respuesta que exclamó delante de todos que estaba mientendo y delató a todos sus compañeros.

Después de este suceso Ishida fue maltratado por sus antes amigos, debido a esto logró comprender como se sentía Nishimiya cuando él la molestaba y se dio cuenta que lo que había hecho estaba mal, pero ya era demasiado tarde.

Cuando ingresó en la secundaria todos lo ignoraban y siempre estaba solo, incluso, después de conseguir un dinero para su madre intentó suicidarse, pero esta al darse cuenta de sus intenciones se lo impide.

Más tarde Ishida se encuentra con Nishimiya y después de verse varias veces se vuelven amigos muy cercanos, en ese transcurso logró restaurar algunas amistades y hacer nuevos amigos como:

Miki Kawaii




Todos eran muy felices, pero un día al reunirse en el puente llega Ueno y comienzan a discutir entre ellos sobre Nishimiya, al final se van enfadados e Ishida se queda solo.

Días después los demás ya no le hablaban, solo le quedaba su amistad con Nishimiya quien estaba muy triste ya que pensaba que Ishida había perdido a sus amigos por su culpa. Ella al no poder cargar con ese peso en sus hombros en un festival que había en la ciudad intenta acabar con su vida lanzándose desde la ventana del edificio donde está su casa, pero Ishimiya lo impide cayendo el a un río cerca del edificio.

Luego de eso Ishida fue llevado al hospital, después de un tiempo Nishimiya se encargó de pedirles a los antes amigos de Ishida que volvieran a serlo, les dijo que se sentía muy culpable por eso, todos le dijeron que ellos también se preocupan por ella, que no volviera a pensar en abandonar este mundo y que tenía que aprender que a pesar de toda la tristesa que tenga tiene que seguir adelante.

Ya todos eran amigos de nuevo, pero a Nishimiya le faltaba hablar con alguien, así es, quería hablar también con Ueno y un día cuando esta salía de ver a Ishida la alcanzó y logró conversar con ella.

Para cuando Ishida se despertó salió corriendo al puente en busca de Nishimiya quien estaba allí llorando por la preocupación que le causaba el hecho de que él no despertara.

La película culmina con el festival escolar donde Ishida logra volver a mirar a todos a la cara y volver a hablar con sus amigos, a los cuales les pidió disculpas por lo sucedido entre ellos antes.

Yo opino que esta es una gran película y les confieso que incluso hubo algunas partes en las que lloré por lo que le sucedía a los personajes, si no la han visto se las recomiendo y si la han visto déjenme en los comentarios su opinión.

Recursos empleados: todas las imágenes fueron tomadas de escenas en la película.

English version

At the beginning of the film we are introduced to Shouko Nishimiya, a girl who could not hear who moves to a new school.

Days after her arrival she begins to be bullied by most of the students, among them:

Shoya Ishida

Naoka Ueno

Miki Kawai

Kazuki Shimada

Keisuke Hirose.

Ishida followed by Hirose and Shimada was always pushing her and yelling at her, but it went to the extreme when he threw eight of his devices so that he could hear.

The next day the principal announced that Nishimiya's mother had decided to transfer her to another school, as she realized that her daughter might be being bullied and also mentioned that the devices the girl was using to try to listen were very expensive. After giving that information the principal asks the students if they have seen Nishimiya being bullied by anyone to which the teacher exclaims to everyone that Ishida was the one bullying her, he asks Ueno if she had seen him and she lies saying that she tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen to her. Ishida was so upset by that answer that he exclaimed in front of everyone that she was lying and told on all his classmates.

After this event Ishida was mistreated by his former friends, because of this he managed to understand how Nishimiya felt when he teased her and realized that what he had done was wrong, but it was too late.

When he entered high school everyone ignored him and he was always alone, even after getting some money for his mother, he tried to commit suicide, but when his mother realized his intentions, she prevented him from doing it.

Later Ishida meets Nishimiya and after seeing each other several times they become very close friends, in the course of which he managed to restore some friendships and make new ones such as

Miki Kawaii




They were all very happy, but one day when meeting on the bridge Ueno arrives and they begin to argue among themselves about Nishimiya, in the end they leave in anger and Ishida is left alone.

Days later the others no longer spoke to him, he only had his friendship with Nishimiya who was very sad because she thought that Ishida had lost his friends because of him. She was unable to carry that weight on her shoulders at a festival in the city and tried to end her life by throwing herself from the window of the building where her house was, but Ishimiya prevented her from doing so by falling into a river near the building.

After that Ishida was taken to the hospital, after a while Nishimiya took it upon herself to ask Ishida's former friends to become friends again, she told them that she felt very guilty about it, they all told her that they also care about her, not to think about leaving this world again and that she had to learn that despite all the sadness she has she has to move on.

They were all friends again, but Nishimiya still needed to talk to someone, that's right, he wanted to talk to Ueno too, and one day when she was leaving Ishida he caught up with her and was able to talk to her.

By the time Ishida woke up he ran out to the bridge in search of Nishimiya who was there crying because she was worried that he would not wake up.

The film culminates with the school festival where Ishida manages to look everyone in the face again and talk to his friends again, to whom he apologized for what happened between them earlier.

I think this is a great movie and I confess that there were even some parts where I cried because of what happened to the characters, if you have not seen it I recommend it and if you have seen it leave me your opinion in the comments.

Resources used: all images were taken from scenes in the film.


Linda película, y la cuentas de una forma magistral. Besos.

Muchas gracias. Besos

Great movie with a touching message, it talks about serious themes like depression and suicide in a very interesting way. Thanks for sharing it, I think many people need to watch it!

Yes you are right. It is a beautiful movie. Greetings

It’s one of the most beautiful anime I have ever seen. This is one of my favourite I love the story very much.

Yessss, it's also one of my favorites. Greetings 🤗

me han recomendado bastante esta película, esta interesante su trama y por lo que dices tambien parece ser bastante dramática.

I have been recommended this movie, its plot is interesting and from what you say it also seems to be quite dramatic.

Siii, deberías verla. Saludos

Yess you should see it. Greetings

Well I know everyone liked this movie but for me it was not really nice to see how the main character decides to mistreat the girl to the point of drawing blood in her ears, and even then he feels bad because now he is the one who is treated badly and then everything starts to end well for him where Nishimiya even manages to have feelings for him. I understand everything about him being a kid and then people get better, but sadly it doesn't make me love the prota HAHAHAH. Good post <3 I understand that the movie has several endings.

Bueno se que ha todos les gusto esta película pero realmente para mi no fue nada lindo al verla de como el prota decide maltratar a la niña hasta tal punto de sacarle sangre en las orejas, y aun así luego se siente mal porque ahora es a él a quien tratan mal y que luego todo empiece a terminar bien para él donde Nishimiya hasta logre tener sentimientos hacia él. Entiendo todo de que era un niño y que luego las personas mejoran, pero tristemente no hace que quiera al prota JAJAJAJAJ. Buen post <3 tengo entendido que la película tiene varios finales.

Bueno, supongo que en parte tienes razón, aunque igual me encanta la película. Saludos

Well, I guess you're partly right, although I still love the movie. Regards

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I honestly hate this film, literally everything that happens in it is wrong and for the main character to be pardoned out of nowhere makes no sense whatsoever. I can't find a real apology anywhere that justifies the harm the main character caused.