Cosmic clown / Digital Art

in Alien Art Hivelast year

Amigos, espero que esten pasando un excelente dia o noche 😊, me gusta venir aquí a compartirles mi trabajo y hoy les traigo mi mas reciente trabajo llamado " Cosmic joker".. Una bromista del cosmo, entusiasta y trascendente que juega y bromea por todo el universo.

Friends, I hope you are having a great day or night 😊, I like to come here to share my work with you and today I bring you my latest work called " Cosmic joker".... A cosmo joker, enthusiastic and transcendent joker who plays and jokes around the universe.

Clown cosmic.png


Buscando una tematica para esta obra, inicie fijandome en emociones de tristeza, por ello en los primeros bocetos se vera que tiene el seño de tristeza o desconcierto. de ahi en adelante todo fue desarrollandose aunque al final cambiaria la expresion por una mas acorde a lo que iba transmitiendo en ella.

la idea de la bromista es una que no habia explorado. asi que tome esta iniciativa no solo para crear a la bromista si no para aprovechar tambien de traer una vieja paleta de colores que solia utilizar mucho en mis inicios.


Looking for a theme for this work, I started by looking at emotions of sadness, so in the first sketches you will see that she has the look of sadness or bewilderment. from then on everything was developing although in the end I would change the expression for one more in line with what I was transmitting in her.

the idea of the joker is one that i hadn't explored. so i took this initiative not only to create the joker but also to take advantage of bringing back an old color palette that i used to use a lot in my beginnings.


he de decir que el pintar rostros cada vez es mas y mas facsinante, ese momento en que va cobrando forma y volumen y todo emieza a encajar al momento de añadir luces y sombras es increible. realmente disfrute mucho en la creacion de este trabajo

i have to say that painting faces is more and more fascinating, that moment when it starts to take shape and volume and everything starts to fit together when adding lights and shadows is incredible. i really enjoyed creating this work a lot.


he de contarles que en esta parte del trabajo estaba increiblemente feliz, es decir la combinacion de la paleta de color estaba quedando con una armonia increible, por ello aqui es donde decidi cambiarle la expresion en las cejas a algo mas positivo, y añadirle un toque cosmico y dar rienda suelta a los ultimos detalles que terminarian de dar vida a esa obra

I have to tell you that in this part of the work I was incredibly happy, that is to say the combination of the color palette was getting an incredible harmony, so here is where I decided to change the expression in the eyebrows to something more positive, and add a cosmic touch and give free rein to the last details that would finish giving life to this work.



Clown cosmic.png



What device do you use to create your digital art? I've been asking around because I'm thinking about getting a tablet or something. This turned out pretty cool.

Thanks! it's always great to have someone like my work 😊 .

oh as for the device I use it is a Viek-640 😊