in Alien Art Hivelast year

Holaa amigos, sean bienvenidos a este nuevo post la obra que hoy les presento la he llamado " Majestad". he buscado representar esta obra con una mezcla de aspecto historico y moderno de forma armonica que busca demostrar estilo, fuerza y tranquilidad.

es un trabajo que disfrute mucho realizandolo. toda la obra me ha encantado durante el proceso ver el desarrollo ha sido una experiencia graficiante.

Hello friends, welcome to this new post the work that I present today I have called "Majesty". I have sought to represent this work with a mixture of historical and modern aspect in a harmonious way that seeks to demonstrate style, strength and tranquility.

it is a work that I enjoyed very much doing it. the whole work has enchanted me during the process to see the development has been a rewarding experience.


Les muestro algunas imagenes del proceso, este es el boceto en primera instancia es un diseño un poco mas desordenado, me hace recordar un poco a "Tormenta de los X-men", guarda cierto parecido a ella.

I show you some images of the process, this is the sketch in first instance is a little more messy design, it reminds me a little to "Storm of the X-men", it keeps some resemblance


Como pueden ver uno de los mayores cambios se produjo en el cabello, donde pasamos de algo desordenado a algo un poco ma estructurado que se ajusta mu bien a las facciones del personaje.

Aunque en esta etapa el rostro aun no habia adquirido mucho volumen, ya se podia ver el camino que lleva y como poco a poco se iria suavizando la piel y los labios para darle un toque mas jovial

As you can see one of the biggest changes was in the hair, where we went from something messy to something a little more structured that fits very well to the features of the character.

Although at this stage the face had not yet acquired much volume, you could already see the way it is going and how little by little the skin and lips would be softened to give it a more jovial touch.


El rostro en esta etapa ya habia adquirido el volumen que buscaba, y ha podido evolucionar el desarrollo de esta obra, Aqui he añadido una pequeña corona que pudieron apreciar en el boceto, aunque aqui ha sufrido cambios, es posible apreciar que este detalle destaca bastante bien como ornamento en la cabeza, y hace una buena combinacion con el cabello

The face at this stage had already acquired the volume I was looking for, and has been able to evolve the development of this work, Here I have added a small crown that you could see in the sketch, although here has undergone changes, it is possible to appreciate that this detail stands out quite well as an ornament on the head, and makes a good combination with the hair.


Como resultado se ha conseguido esta obra, en los ultimos detalles añadidos fueron los detalles del labio y el brillo que la rodea, y algunos ajustes de color. realmente fue muy gratificante realizar este trabajo espero lo disfruten mucho les mando una brazo

As a result this work has been achieved, the last details added were the details of the lip and the gloss that surrounds it, and some color adjustments. it was really very gratifying to do this work I hope you enjoy it very much I send you an arm.


Ha sido un placer para mi compartir mi trabajo con ustedes y agradezco el tiempo que se han tomado para pasar por mi post. espero tengan un feliz dia y que lo pasen de lo mejor

It has been a pleasure for me to share my work with you and I appreciate the time you have taken to go through my post. I hope you have a happy day and have a great time.
