Necrom - Horror Art

in Alien Art Hive8 months ago

Buenaas amigos, espero se encuentren muy bien y que esten teniendo un gran dia.

Hoy vengo a compartirles una obra de horror, inspirado a seres necromorficos pero en una version mas estilizada y menos grotesca, sin embargo sigue mostrando un forma bastante abrumadora en su rostro y su piel desgastada.

Espero que esta obra de horror sea de su agrado

Good morning friends, I hope you are well and that you are having a great day.

Today I come to share with you a work of horror, inspired by necromorphic beings but in a more stylized and less grotesque version, however it still shows a quite overwhelming form in his face and his worn skin.

I hope you like this work of horror.



Comparto con ustedes algunas capturas del proceso, empezando por el line art y como fui dandole tono y color a la parte superior del rostro, para darle esa tonalidad de piel opacada como si la sangre estuviera espesa en el cuerpo.

I share with you some captures of the process, starting with the line art and how I was giving tone and color to the upper part of the face, to give it that opaque skin tone as if the blood was thick in the body.



Uno de los detalles mas importantes de esta obra es sin duda la zona donde deberia de estar la mandibula, esta parece haberse deshecho en vez de ser desgarrada, la misma composicion del necromorfismo hace que partes del cuerpo se destruyan progresivamente y se vean con otros tonos de color e incluso como si fueran a explotar en las aquellas zonas donde mas brillan

One of the most important details of this work is undoubtedly the area where the jaw should be, this seems to have been undone instead of being torn, the same composition of necromorphism makes parts of the body are progressively destroyed and look with other shades of color and even as if they were to explode in those areas where they shine most.






excellent art i like it