Querida comunidad espero se encuentreen bien, como sabran me gusta mucho la tematica que involucra al universo y a los seres que habitan el mismo, imaginando que son seres completamente invisibles para nosotros.
Con eso presente les presente a este nuevo Guardian.
El guardian:
Pensado como probablemente el ser mas pacifico entree todos los presentados. El aguarda en un torre observando el cosmo a su alrededor viendo sus hermanos cumplen su tarea de crear y destruir. mientras el en su torre observa como este orden y caos se mantiene en constante equilibrio. a diferencia de sus hermanos no necesita salir de su torre para hacer su trabajo.
Puesto que la misma torre le permite ver cualquier rincon del universo, cualquie planeta, estrella viajante incluso puede observar las civilizaciones de cada rincon del universo y su evolucion.
Dear community I hope you are well, as you know I really like the theme that involves the universe and the beings that inhabit it, imagining that they are completely invisible to us.
With that in mind I present to you this new Guardian.
The Guardian:
Thought to be probably the most peaceful of all the beings presented. He waits in a tower observing the cosmos around him watching his brothers fulfill their task of creating and destroying. while he in his tower observes how this order and chaos is kept in constant balance. unlike his brothers he does not need to leave his tower to do his job.
Since the tower itself allows him to see any corner of the universe, any planet, any traveling star, he can even observe the civilizations of every corner of the universe and their evolution.
Su cuerpo principalmente esta basado en el del ser humano, puesto que para nuestros guardianes esta forma les ha parecido mucho mas comoda y adaptable a casi cualquier entorno.
es asi tambien como la gran mayoria no tiene un rostro visible como tal con ojos, bocas para expresar algun gesto.
Their body is mainly based on that of the human being, since for our guardians this form has seemed much more comfortable and adaptable to almost any environment.
This is also how most of them do not have a visible face as such with eyes, mouths to express any gesture.
En lugar de rostro, la decision es que lleven algo que los represente en sus roles puesto que la comunicacion para estos seres no es algo primordial.
Es asi pues como ha este guardian lleva 3 orbes en su cabeza.
El principal que seria el del centro que funciona como la " cara principal" por la cual orbitan 2 orbes. Estos dos orbes le permiten registrar todo lo que sucede en el cosmo, y como la torre amplia la vision de este mismo no hay nada en lo absoluto que se le pueda escapar.
Instead of a face, the decision is that they wear something that represents them in their roles, since communication for these beings is not something primordial.
This is how this guardian wears 3 orbs on his head.
The main one, which would be the one in the center, functions as the "main face" through which 2 orbs orbit. These two orbs allow him to register everything that happens in the cosmos, and as the tower widens the vision of this same one there is nothing at all that can escape him.
Poco ropaje necesita este ser por ello va casi al descubierto totalmente, anda con un baston quizas por sus tantos años de antiguedad se la ha hecho mucho mas comodo andar con el.
En su espalda lleva como parte de si mismo estas extremidades, que no siempre estan expandidas pero en ciertos momentos le ayudan a mantener en giro los orbes en su cabeza pero solo por ciertos momentos y solo si es necesario, nuestro guardian es un ser antiguo por lo que ha aprendido a maentenerse de pie en su arduo trabajo de vigilar todo lo que sucede quizas el trabajo mas arduo y desgastante comparado con el de sus hermanos.
This being needs little clothing so he goes almost completely uncovered, he walks with a cane, perhaps because of its many years of antiquity it has become much more comfortable to walk with it.
On his back he carries as part of himself these limbs, which are not always expanded but at certain times help him to keep the orbs in his head spinning but only for certain moments and only if necessary, our guardian is an ancient being so he has learned to stand upright in his hard work of watching everything that happens perhaps the most arduous and exhausting work compared to that of his brothers.
cerca de su torre existen una estrella que produce una luz increible por lo cual muchas estrellas, gas y polvo en el entorno brillan para crear un paisaje hermoso en su entorno.
Near its tower there is a star that produces an incredible light so that many stars, gas and dust in the environment shine to create a beautiful landscape in its surroundings.
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Ha sido un placer para mi compartir mi trabajo con ustedes y agradezco el tiempo que se han tomado para pasar por mi post. espero tengan un feliz dia y que lo pasen de lo mejor
You can find the rest of my galleries
It has been a pleasure for me to share my work with you and I appreciate the time you have taken to go through my post. I hope you have a happy day and have a great time.
Very interesting and creative idea! Thanks for sharing your art with us!
Thank you! If it is interesting, it has some mystery in itself, it is always a pleasure to share my art here.❤️