The Observer

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

Reciban un cordial saludo comunidad, hoy he venido con un nuevo trabajo para presentarselos como me gusta decirles es de mi agrado compartir con ustedes los resultados de lo que realizo y como cada obra ha sido de mi agrado el resultado final ha sido increible, espero que a ustedes tambien les agrade

he de mencionar que en esta ocasión el trabajo realizado es una fotomanipulacion los items que use fueron los que cree en el momento de hacer Cyber Fashion la cual fue mi obra anterior, y me resulto interesante el hecho de poder sacar un poco mas de provecho a los items que tenia a la mano y la tematica que disponen

El Observador:

He partido de la base de crear un droide proyectado a traves de un holograma, este droide es quien muestra desde diferentes partes del mundo, la creacion y la innovacion de los modelos que van siendo creados, manteniendo asi a los espectadores atentos, a todos los droides que van saliendo al mundo como fue el caso de cyber fashion, he de mencionar que el observador no solo te muestra lo que pasa en la creacion si no que tambien puede observar lo que sucede en el mundo entero.. Por eso es tanto observador como espectador de todo lo que pasa

Receive a cordial greeting community, today I have come with a new work to present you as I like to tell you is my pleasure to share with you the results of what I do and as each work has been to my liking the end result has been incredible, I hope you also like it.

I have to mention that this time the work done is a photomanipulation the items I used were the ones I created at the time of making Cyber Fashion which was my previous work, and I found it interesting to be able to get a little more out of the items I had at hand and the theme they have.

The Observer:

I started from the basis of creating a droid projected through a hologram, this droid is who shows from different parts of the world, the creation and innovation of the models that are being created, thus keeping the viewers attentive to all the droids that are coming out into the world as was the case of cyber fashion, I should mention that the observer not only shows you what happens in the creation but also can observe what happens in the whole world. So it is both observer and spectator of everything that happens.

The observer.png


Como les mencione se trata de una fotomanipulacion con los assets que habia creado al momento de realizar cyber fashion, pueden ver como al principio notamos un rostro un poco mas tenebroso, como aqui la utilizacion de 3 assets van tomando forma, como van dando ese aspecto tan peli de terminator que muchos espero puedan asemejar en esta primera etapa.


As I mentioned it is a photomanipulation with the assets that I had created at the time of making cyber fashion, you can see how at first we notice a face a little more scary, as here the use of 3 assets are taking shape, as they are giving that look so terminator movie that many I hope can resemble in this first stage.

Proceso 11.png

Aqui hemos de apreciar como el rostro ha tomado mucha mas forma, y aun conserva la mirada atemorizante y su rostro esta un poco mas cubierto y en su cabeza se proyecta lo que es la linea de ensamblaje, en este punto habria estado genial darle todo el sentido de que fuera una cabeza flotante, un droide aun mas grande cuyo interior alberga y crea mas droides, pero el concepto de hacerlo como un holograma me atrajo aun mas

Here we can see how the face has taken much more shape, and still retains the scary look and his face is a little more covered and in his head is projected what is the assembly line, at this point it would have been great to give the whole sense of it being a floating head, an even larger droid whose interior houses and creates more droids, but the concept of making it as a hologram attracted me even more.

Proceso 2.2.png

Vemos la integracion de mas partes es un droide y lo genial en este trabajo es que puede dar un sensacion a traves del proceso realizado como si estuviera ensamblando un robot parte por parte, eso hace que este lleno de vida.

We see the integration of more parts is a droid and the great thing about this work is that it can give a feeling through the process done as if you were assembling a robot part by part, that makes it full of life.

Proceso 4.4.png

Mantuve muchos los colores y la estetica que apreciamos en la obra anterior llama cyber fashion, ciertamente gracias a los assets se puede notar la estrecha relacion que guardan ambos trabajos, es interesante por se complementan el uno al otro en cuanto a estitca, tematica y similitudes en su diseño

I kept many of the colors and aesthetics that we appreciated in the previous work called cyber fashion, certainly thanks to the assets you can notice the close relationship between both works, it is interesting because they complement each other in terms of aesthetics, theme and similarities in their design.

Proceso 5.5.png

Amigos aqui dejare los enlaces a mis galerias las cuales pueden disfrutar observando mis trabajos anteriores

Friends here I will leave the links to my galleries which you can enjoy looking at my previous works

Gracias por el tiempo que te has tomado al pasar por mi post, espero que tengas un gran dia

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my post, I hope you have a great day.



This one turned out really cool. It kind of gives me a Japanese vibe in the face. Like Dragon armor on the android. Great job and thanks for sharing bro!

Ohh very good way of looking at it! it's a pretty cool perspective in which you have seen it pretty accurate I must say, your comments are a great support I really appreciate it, and thanks for enjoying my work you are great bro!

Thanks for your kind words! I do find these pretty interesting. This one even looks cool if you flip it upside down! hahahhaa Keep up the cool art and don't be afraid to get extra creative!

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