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RE: Some gift cards

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

citizen... if you just add some hand drawn red hexahon patterns and a small red hive logo in corner or even hive logo of any color... and link to a hive account and or guest account posting key to make a post like @fourchan which is a free account anyone can use instantly but have ro share, itd be pretty cool

but just red hexagons and hive logo in corner

and on back a private key for a hive account with some hive in it ir nfts or hive engine tokens coukd be so fun

just sell them with a blank spit and instructions ro use @helios to create an account and fill it with 1 hive qnd to put the backup or owner and active and posting keys on the back of the crd or havw a spot for tjem

like a space on back for owner active posting memo qnd backup keys and account name and instructions to use to create a hive account for cheap like 10 cents or less now that woukd be a great hive gift card

each hand drawn hive gift card can be about a special hive user and how they relate to hive

we coule have a really cool trend here i may even buy a sheet or roll of holographic security hive logo sticker tape in a reddish color (lole the dove on visa cards but red and a hive logo hexagon)

then u can put a sticker on and use a label maker to add the private keys on back and cover it with a resealable sticker paper or somple poece of tape with plastic rectangle cut out in front so u cant hold up to light and see it but u can take the tape off

veey cheap alternative ro scratchers and custom resealables just exacto knofe some plastic and a gf arts snd crafts sweatshop lol

no seriousky i may send u a few hive for one and a stamps on the mail of u give me address oe po box or whatever over telegram ackza or find me there

and ill pay 1 dollar in hive maybe for 1 test one just give me the castle but ut must have a red hexagon big on front and small red hive logo in corner and on back a spedial box that says "private keys" with 4 lines and another small red hive logo

ill pay 2 bucks in cash in envelope with stamps and u send it back ro me and ill add mynown hive wallets and use ut as a hive physical nft starting point and add my hive hologrqm sticker

send me an extra and ill send u one back with some hive in ut and we can make ut a new trend of hive account post cards and even add an nft of the postvard art from @nftshowroom even tho uts 3.33 to make one its 0.33 to make copies so we can mass produce one of the populqr ones like castoe maybe and u can print em too

but for now lets just start with odea of u adding red hexagon eityer one big one behind the caste or add a few red hexagon patteens ro the castle itself but u need a small hive logo in corner and on back a box for the private keys ro be written like a lil form it will be cute

show me whej ur done call me on telegram: ackza and ill send u envelope with stamps and a few buxks in cash maybe a small tip too

ill get it in mail from u and add the keys

add an extra one and ill send it back with a couple hive and hive engine tokens added and we can each start our collection of ohsuical hive art

ill even buy the roll of hive logo hplogram security tape atickers ro add to wvery hive post card u make qne send me but they all must have some red hexagon patterns to show its hive related cuz project is obscure at first

eventually the art wont need red hexaons qnd ill just add the qtickere and ull have ur own template frame design etc