A Doodle of Faces

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago

While figuring out what character to make in my head fiction universe, I ended up just scribbling facial expressions. I'm thinking of starting to sculpt in zBrush just to productively procrastinate again.


The Process Shots:
Link to the time lapse video on IG

Head Fiction

I'm making a collection of images while practices how to do digital art in the hopes that these will eventually strike an inspiration to create full blown story. I'm not expecting that I would actually do it but I know things become easier when there are already concepts made before as a foundation and my future self can just pick up where I left of.

My art drive tends to be volatile, some days I'm productive and some days I don't know how to use a drawing tool. Some of the remedies I've made for myself includes creating several layers of motivation that ties to other motivations so that whenever I do something, I also accomplish other things in one go. I don't know what I'm building but I'm just creating these characters on top of my digital practice for now.

Red Tales - a working title I may or may not commit to in the end, will be a story of Red Hood's encounters in her journey to slay the evil queen. There's no formal story drafted at the moment and the scribbles of images I share here may be used to fill in the characters for that universe.

My other social media pages: DeviantArt, Instagram, X


Could be the start of the promo poster or cover art ;D

Whoah!!! Those faces say a lot! :)

That’s fun! Reminds me of a table piece I once knew.

Good evening and greetings to us together. View of an interesting article.


This reminds me of one I did the other day. Only mine has a few key differences (I used a similar style but only one face). Yours is way cooler!

You draw emotions pretty well

@adamada, I paid out 1.111 HIVE and 0.396 HBD to reward 8 comments in this discussion thread.