
in Alien Art Hive2 years ago


Hola hermosa comunidad, últimamente no he subido dibujos tan seguido como suelo hacer porque he estado trabajando en cosas bastante delicadas que llevan al menos 3 días, asi paso con este retrato que, a pesar de ser un retrato con bastante acercamiento y de los que se me hacen bastante fácil de hacer este fue bastante complicado ya que trabaje muchísimo en los detalles para crear ese realismo que me gusta tanto, además pintar las manos nunca es una tarea fácil, creo que es lo mas estresante de todo, pero intente tomármelo con calma ya que le tenia mucha esperanza al resultado final, realmente me encanto, quise reflejar nostalgia y mucho poder en la mirada, espero que les guste.

Hello beautiful community, lately I haven't uploaded drawings as often as I usually do because I've been working on quite delicate things that take at least 3 days, that's what happened with this portrait that, despite being a portrait with quite a close-up and one of those that I find quite easy to do, this one was quite complicated because I worked a lot on the details to create that realism that I like so much, besides painting hands is never an easy task, I think it's the most stressful of all, but I tried to take it easy because I had a lot of hope for the final result, I really loved it, I wanted to reflect nostalgia and a lot of power in the look, I hope you like it.

Corazón banner (1).png


Comencé con el boceto, esta vez quería integrar un pájaro al retrato, creí que sería algo difícil por ser un retrato con tanto acercamiento, pero logre ubicarlo en una esquina cubriendo parte del rostro, como si estuviese tocándolo, añadí una nueva capa donde empecé a añadir colores al rostro, utilice una paleta de tonos cálidos desaturados, en una nueva capa añadí mas colores para formar por completo el rostro, luego comencé a mezclar estos colores para darle mejor resultado a la piel, lo mismo hice con las manos con la diferencia de que esto me tomo muchas más horas jajaja, pero valió la pena, creo que quedaron bastante decentes.

I started with the sketch, this time I wanted to integrate a bird to the portrait, I thought it would be something difficult because it is a portrait with so much approach, but I managed to place it in a corner covering part of the face, as if I was touching it, I added a new layer where I started to add colors to the face, I used a palette of warm desaturated tones, in a new layer I added more colors to completely form the face, then I began to mix these colors to give a better result to the skin, the same thing I did with the hands with the difference that this took me many more hours hahaha, but it was worth it, I think they were pretty decent.

Terminé de detallar el rostro y también los labios que no había pintado, luego pinte los hombros y el cabello, aplique un color marrón de base en el cabello y luego agregue reflejos de luz y de sombra para asi crear mas realismo al cabello, empecé a pintar la silueta del pájaro y una sombra debajo reflejando su silueta en la piel del retrato, luego aplique más colores al pájaro para poco a poco darle detalles y crear la forma completa del pájaro, para el fondo aplique un fondo sencillo con un color marrón con tonalidad gris, en los ojos quise poner una tonalidad roja para darle aun mas dramatismo a la mirada, además de pintar algunas lágrimas y pecas en el rostro, para terminar, edite la imagen donde agregue mas saturación e intensidad en algunas partes del dibujo.

I finished detailing the face and also the lips that I had not painted, then I painted the shoulders and the hair, I applied a brown base color on the hair and then I added light and shadow reflections to create more realism to the hair, I started painting the silhouette of the bird and a shadow underneath reflecting its silhouette on the skin of the portrait, then I applied more colors to the bird to gradually give details and create the complete shape of the bird, for the background I applied a simple brown color with gray tone, in the eyes I wanted to put a red tone to give even more drama to the look, besides painting some tears and freckles on the face, to finish, I edited the image where I added more saturation and intensity in some parts of the drawing.

Corazón banner (1).png


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP-PEN deco 01 v2


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP- PEN DECO 01 V2

Foundation: alexa-artx
Rarible : alexaart
KnownOrigin: alexaart
Terra Virtua: AlexaArt
Opensea: alexa-art
Makersplace: alexaartx
Ghostmarket : alexa
NFT Showroom:
Twitter: Alexa_Ys
Instagram : artx.alexa



¡Bellísimo! Tu trabajo es espectacular 🤗.

Mil gracias @vezo 💖


Muchas gracias @lyon-89 😃 saludos!

Muchas gracias por el apoyo!

Es un dibujo bellísimo, gracias a ti por compartir tu talento. 🤗

This is excellent, I love the final product. Can you recommend the XP- PEN DECO 01 V2? Is there a cheaper one?

Hi! being 100% honest I would recommend the HUION H610 Pro V2 which was the first tablet I bought, I have only used these two in my life and between them I think the HUION is better because the XP-PEN has been damaged very quickly, I work with it because I lost the cable of my HUION, I managed to configure it to handle it from the keyboard that has but the pen of XP-PEN was damaged, as well as some keys are deconfigured sometimes, which never happened to me with HUION. both cost the same, they are practically the same size, if you are looking for a more economical option you could see on youtube some review of taablet a little smaller, I hope I helped you! 🤗

Thank you for the response, I am going to check HUION then.

It beautiful

Esta hermoso, los detalles se ven genial, muy realista, buen trabajo saludos.