Mo and the Lonely Flower - and I've earned my first Eth with art!

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago (edited)


These last two weeks were really crazy! In a good way though :-)
So many amazing things happened in such a short time and I made huge progress in my journey as an artist!

As some of you may know from my last post (here) I started my first collection on OpenSea, one of the platforms on Ethereum, with my stories about Mo. And it's not only paintings, but I also wrote a little story about him for each piece, which was a lot of fun and I really fell in love with this lovely guy by imagining his character and his life <3

At about the same time I opened a Twitter account, to share my journey and my art and to be able to connect to all the other NFT-artists out there, who haven't found their way to Hive yet.

That was all very new and exciting for me and I didn't know where it would take me. I kind of took a risk by paying about 100$ on gas fees for initializing my collection on OpenSea, and I was a bit afraid that I wouldn't sell anything, because nobody knew me yet ^^
There are soo many artists on Ethereum, how could anyone even find me and my art?

But now I'm so relieved and happy to announce that all three pieces about Mo are sold by now!
That's so cool! And they all got bought by the same collector, which makes me even more happy, because that means someone likes my Mo as well and/or believes in its value and in me as an artist!

So I've earned my first 0.4 Eth, which basically covers our costs of living for the next three or four months! I couldn't be more proud and grateful!
So it really was worth taking the risk!

I won't abandon my gallery on NFT-Showroom though! It's still my favorite platform, and I love to see how it grows and gets more attention each day <3
Maybe I'll take a short break though, because I want to build up a portfolio on Ethereum as well.
And although I've also sold a lot of artworks on NFT-Showroom lately, there are still some paintings left :-)

It's just great to have both options. Hive is more for holding and saving for the future (and maybe spending on a few artworks ^^) while Eth could cover our costs of living in the present.

I'll see how the journey goes on. This really was a big step forward and I'm so motivated to keep creating, learning and getting better!


This is the first sketch I've made for "Mo and the lonely Flower". It's not that different form how it turned out in the end :-)

And here is the story I wrote for this painting:

Mo and the lonely flower

Today Mo decided to take a walk.

He always took the same path that led him along some fields and meadows, a little bit through the forest and back to his home. He knew that path very well and liked to see it change throughout the seasons.

It was a beautiful day. The fresh smell of spring was in the air and all the shrubs and trees along the way showed tiny light green buds at the end of their branches. He had to watch out, to not accidently step on the first little shoots of flowers working their way out of the soil.

The rest of the world was still quite grey though.

While he was enjoying letting his thoughts wander, suddenly something caught his attention. Through the grey he could see a tiny spot of red, pink and yellow somewhere in the distance!

He got curious and went off the path onto a meadow, to get closer. It couldn't be a flower already, could it?

It turned out that it was indeed a flower! A fully grown one with bright green leaves and a blossom in all colors of the rainbow!

But that's impossible! Mo wondered. It's too early in the year for a flower to be that big! It must be a very special specimen!

It also seemed to be the only one of its kind around. Mo couldn't see any other flower nearby, not even a normal one.

Poor thing. This beautiful flower was all on its own!

Mo started to feel a bit sorry for it. So he decided to stay a while and keep the little flower company.

This was not exactly how he had imagined his walk today but just as joyful, and not at all boring! While he was sitting there next to the flower he recognized all the little things around him. The jolly birds singing in the trees, the crawling little insects just woken up from their winter sleep. And he felt like a part of it all.

After a while Mo suddenly realized that the sun was already quite low. It slowly began to get dark. How could it be so late already? He must have lost track of time!

So he stood up and looked at the flower again. Maybe it was just his imagination but it still looked a bit sad and lonely.

Should I pick it and take it home with me?, he wondered. It wouldn't be alone anymore!

But then he thought that he wouldn't like to just be picked from his home either, although he was feeling alone sometimes.

"I'll come back another time, little flower! It was a wonderful day with you!", he said aloud, though uncertain if the flower could understand him.

Mo made it home just before sunset. What a wonderful day it had been indeed!

From this day on he always took a little detour on his walks to spent a while sitting next to the flower. Its bright colors always made him happy.

It grew even more beautiful as spring went on.

And so did the rest of nature. Although the rainbow flower still seemed to be the only one of its kind, other flowers started to grow around it.

It was as if they were attracted by its vibrant colors, just like Mo.

Everyone needs something beautiful in their lives, Mo thought.

How lucky I am to have found this pretty flower that freely offers its beauty to the world. Even at a time when the world was grey and there was almost no beauty at all.

Und das ganze auf Deutsch für meine Familie <3

Mo und das einsame Blümchen

Heute wollte Mo einen Spaziergang machen.

Er ging jedes Mal die selbe Runde, die ihn über einige Felder und Wiesen führte, ein Stückchen durch den Wald, und zurück zu ihm nach Hause. Er kannte diesen Weg sehr genau und liebte es zu sehen wie er sich veränderte im Laufe der Jahreszeiten.

Es war ein wunderschöner Tag! Der frische Duft von Frühling lag in der Luft und all die Büsche und Bäume am Wegesrand zeigten bereits kleine hellgrüne Knospen am Ende ihrer Zweige. Mo musste Acht geben nicht auf die ersten kleinen Sprösslinge der Blumen zu treten, die sich schon ihren Weg hinaus aus der Erde bahnten.

Trotz des zarten Grüns hier und dort, war der Rest der Welt noch immer recht grau.

Als Mo so spazierte und es genoss seine Gedanken wandern zu lassen, fiel ihm plötzlich etwas seltsames auf. Durch all das Grau sah er einen kleinen Punkt in der Ferne. Etwas Rotes, Gelbes und Pinkes!

Neugierig geworden, ging er ein Stück vom Weg ab, weiter auf eine Wiese, um ein bisschen näher heranzukommen. Was konnte es sein? Doch nicht etwa schon eine Blume?

Es stellte sich heraus, dass es tatsächlich eine Blume war! Eine voll ausgewachsene, mit sattgrünen Blättern und einer Blüte in allen Farben des Regenbogens!

Aber das is unmöglich! , dachte Mo bei sich. Es ist noch viel zu früh im Jahr. Eine Blume kann unmöglich schon so groß sein! Das muss eine sehr spezielle Sorte sein!

Auch schien sie die einzige ihrer Art zu sein. Mo konnte keine einzige andere Blume in der Nähe sehen, nicht einmal eine normale.

Armes Ding. Dieses wunderschöne Blümchen ist ganz allein!

Mo bekam Mitleid mit ihr. So entschied er, eine Weile zu bleiben und der kleinen Blume Gesellschaft zu leisten.

Dies war nicht ganz so wie er sich seinen Spaziergang vorgestellt hatte, aber ebenso schön, und überhaupt nicht langweilig! Während er so neben dem Blümchen saß, fielen ihm all die kleinen Dinge auf, die um ihm herum passierten. Die lustigen Vögel, die in den Bäumen saßen und zwitscherten, die kleinen krabbelnden Insekten, gerade aufgewacht aus ihrem Winterschlaf. Und er fühlte sich als Teil von alledem.

Nach einer Weile fiel Mo plötzlich auf, dass die Sonne schon ziemlich tief stand und es langsam begann dunkler zu werden. Wie konnte es nur schon so spät sein? Er muss sein Zeitgefühl verloren haben!

Er stand auf und warf noch einen Blick auf die hübsche Blume. Vielleicht war es bloß seine Einbildung, aber irgendwie sah sie noch immer etwas traurig und einsam aus.

Sollte ich sie pflücken und mit mir nach Hause nehmen? , fragte sich Mo. Dann wäre sie nicht mehr so allein!

Doch dann fiel ihm ein, dass er sicher nicht gerne einfach aus seinem Zuhause gepflückt wollen würde, selbst wenn er sich manchmal alleine fühlte.

"Ich komme ein anderes Mal wieder, kleine Blume! Es war ein wundervoller Tag mit dir!", sagte er laut, obwohl unsicher ob die Blume ihn überhaupt verstehen konnte.

Mo schaffte es gerade noch heim bevor die Sonne unterging. Dies war wirklich ein wundervoller Tag gewesen!

Von diesem Tage an nahm Mo jedes Mal den kleinen Umweg um eine Weile bei der kleinen Blume zu sitzen. Ihre schönen bunten Farben hellten stets seine Stimmung auf.

Sie wurde sogar noch schöner umso weiter der Frühling voran schritt. Und der Rest der Natur mit ihr! Die Regenbogenblume schien noch immer die einzige ihrer Art zu sein, doch andere Blumen begannen um sie herum zu wachsen.

Es war, als würden sie angezogen von ihren leuchtenden Farben, genau wie Mo.

Jeder braucht ein bisschen Schönheit in seinem Leben, dachte Mo.

Wie glücklich ich mich schätzen kann, dass ich diese hübsche Blume gefunden habe, die ihre Schönheit frei der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung stellt. Sogar schon in einer Zeit, in der die Welt noch grau war und man kaum etwas Schönes entdecken konnte.


My Art-Portfolio on Creary: My brand-new account on Twitter: My gallery on NFT-Showroom: My gallery on OpenSea:

all images by me


So I've earned my first 0.4 Eth, which basically covers our costs of living for the next three or four months! I couldn't be more proud and grateful!
So it really was worth taking the risk!

Aha, I knew it! That's amazing girl! Congrats!!!! So proud of you.. this is huge! Now cheers to selling more you deserve it!

Yeih, thanks a lot! And I actually could pay for our monthly supply shopping last week! With the money I made from my art! That's so cool!

I can imagine that felt so great! Well done :)

flower that freely offers its beauty to the world

these words have strong sense! I have to overthink it.

Yeih, so awesome that you read the story! I tried to transport a positive message in my paintings and story and I'm so glad that it reached you :-)