Another Midnight Art Piece!
And it’s a snail!
For those of you who don’t know, my Midnight Art collection are little drawings that I make in my sketchbook (sometimes in bed at night, before I go to sleep), and if I like one, I take a photo with my phone and color and edit it with different apps until I like it even better.
I worked this one over lots of times, changed the whole color scheme again and again ^^ I don’t know, sometimes a drawing isn’t very obliging in telling me what it wants. But enough is enough, and now I’ve settled for this version above.
But here’s another version, that I liked at first (that’s why I saved it) but after a while I found it to be too red. Also I like it when I can still see the paper so it still looks like a pencil drawing. To me that’s what makes the Midnight Drawings so lovely ❤️ Feel free to make your own choice though.

I don’t have process videos for these drawings. I actually tried the timelapse function in Autodesk Sketchbook (that’s the app I use for coloring), but it’s not very convenient to use because I have to turn it on manually every time I sit down to work on a drawing and I tend to forget that. The video isn’t very pleasant to watch either, it records all my zooming in and out, so it’s actually quite stressful ^^
This is how it looks without color, but it’s already been edited a little (in Snapseed, in case you’re interested).

Love it!
The blue one is more calming to the eye but the red one might tell the story a bit better as it feels more overwhelmed/ confused...
A nice metaphor that I can relate to ( having moved house so often )
So objkt.com still exists?
reminds me that i had a page there too that I had totally forgotten about, as I stopped doing NFT's.
Actually now that I see both versions again I can't really say anymore which one I like better ^^ Ah, and now that I got your feedback I might just mint the red one as well, so it's properly archived.
I actually only got the story when the title came up. It's so funny how I don't understand my own art sometimes ^^ But now it's so clear what it has to do with my own life.
The platform I mint on is teia.art (formerly hicetnunc) on tezos. I always link to objkt.com, because it was common to do that back then in the old days of nfts (in 2021 ^^), don’t know how things are at the moment, I’m not really in that business anymore.
But it still seems to exist.
I like color and shape.
Nice creation!
Thanks a lot! ❤️