Hello, I hope you are very well, I had not been able to thank you for purchasing my work of her majesty, the truth is very grateful that you value my work, and I hope you have a very good start of the year, greetings to your son and thank you for also appreciate my work.
This is also available in @nftshowroom if you are interested, greetings and much success!
Oh it's my pleasure.
I love your work :)
Sadly I'm on a tight budget now so haven't been able to invest in more art. But I'm busy working on that and I keep an eye on you π
When I've settled down and have regular income again that's my goal.
Investment and more collecting. So I'll be back to buy more for sure!
Art and gaming.
Good incentive to work on my finances now. ππΌ
I'll be back ;)