Hola amigos!
Today I was a little stressed, and I decided to drain it by drawing, days ago I bought some oil crayons, I had never used them and today I decided to try them, I had seen different videos and I was guided by several techniques I saw. To start I took a reference on Pinterest which is this one:
Imagen extraída de Pinterest/Image extracted from Pinterest
I began to color the sky with dark blue on the entire sheet, separating the clouds and the grass.
No pensé que fuera a ser tan difícil difuminar el óleo en crayón, se veía más fácil en los videos que observé, por lo que me confié y batallé un poco para hacerlo JAJAJA. Al cielo le agregué azul cielo y lo difumine con el dedo dejando espacio para las nubes
I didn't think it was going to be so difficult to blend the oil in crayon, it looked easier in the videos I watched, so I trusted myself and struggled a bit to do it HAHAHAHA. I added sky blue to the sky and blurred it with my finger leaving space for the clouds.
I tried to make the clouds like the reference image but I got a little frustrated, so I made them into spirals because I thought they were so cute.
Here I started to make the lawn, first I started with the flowers when I realized how difficult it was to superimpose the color, I did not make many, after all it was for practice, then I put the light green, and with the dark green I made strokes with the back of the crayon to make it thicker and more saturated, and the protruding grasses I made them line by line.
here when finishing and also detailing the clouds again, I used a toothpick to highlight the grass, clouds, and flowers, which I think was a good idea to give it texture
Resultado Final / Final Result
Las fotos son de mi propiedad /Photos are my property