Larvae Inspection

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

In the City, the time has come to inspect the larvae that lay the eggs of the Gloomy Woodpeckers. The most productive larva of the month goes to the inspection first - the Inspector first looks at the overall work of the support team and then checks it himself. He checks the condition of the teeth, antennae, nasal gland and the most important part of the abdomen that lays eggs. Inspection time is always an additional stress for the operating team, but also a great hope for them - because if the inspection is successful, they will get a better pay (as long as Moloch's henchmen get a salary at all), more time for themselves (but not too much because you have to keep an eye on the larva) and the most important - the trait for the larvae of the month (if their ward shows the best of all). As you can see, everyone is very concerned about the Inspector's visit - even the mobile mine smiled at the Inspector.



Damn! You are really good man! :D

Thank, you @cwow2 !

Looks great, and with the story behind it, it gets even better. :D

Thank you, @wazza84 !!

This is some beautiful work. I thought it was generative art upon first glance! Great job!

:) TNX @castleberry, maybe someday i would mix this into itself in deepdream (almost have full setup for it on my comp), but right now I'll rather draw it by hand.

This looks freakin' amazing! The story attached to it is fun too :^)