"There is a Bible on every level in the Seven Heavens. One real one at least. All others are but pale copies; crude facsimiles degraded by the baryonic signature of their respective Heaven..."
But, my child, did you know there is a Bible in the UnderHeaven? Ours is the last of the true Heavens, but even the ruined souls and glitched monstrosities of that infernal realm have a Bible. It is a sallow version of all others, but all creations (even forsaken ones) are tethered to the EdenStar by the written Breath.
The most hardened of Angels are tasked with the guardianship of this particular tome. They are perhaps to be feared more than the MorningStar themselves...
This particular book is, unlike all others, a singularity. It is the only one of its kind. It cannot be copied, but it can be removed from the UnderHeaven for a time. I have heard it said that such periods of absence bode ill for all nearby creations..
How do I know this, you ask?...
Turning the page,
The writing here was very well done. I loved the double eye image. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing.
Thamk you again for the feedback. I absolutely love writing these little glimpses into Alt-history, and I guarantee there will be more.