Butterflies symbolise change, transmutation and my taste for them is lifelong, no matter the colour or size, what matters is their beauty and meaning.
Las mariposas simbolizan el cambio, la transmutación y mi gusto por ellas es de toda la vida, no importa el color o tamaño, lo que importa es su belleza y su significado.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Siento a las mariposas como parte de mí, quizá por el mensaje que dejan. Es otra de las bellezas de la naturaleza que me encantan. Y por ello que me identifico con ellas.
Tal vez su vida es corta en relación con otras especies, pero su paso de la crisálida a la mariposa, me recuerda al ave fénix en su resurgimiento, cambia de una forma a otra para evolucionar y eso creo que es lo he hecho a lo largo de mi vida. Aprender y mejorar ha sido y es una de las misiones de mi vida, como también enseñar a otros lo que he aprendido.
Como verán siempre los ojos para mi son especiales, pero por lo que para mí en lo particular significan. Por ello quería fusionar las mariposas con un rostro y especialmente en los ojos.
I feel butterflies as part of me, perhaps because of the message they leave. It is another of the beauties of nature that I love. And that is why I identify with them.
Maybe their life is short in relation to other species, but their passage from chrysalis to butterfly reminds me of the phoenix in its resurgence, it changes from one form to another to evolve and I think that is what I have done throughout my life. Learning and improving has been and is one of my life's missions, as well as teaching others what I have learned.
As you can see, eyes are always special to me, but because of what they mean to me in particular. That's why I wanted to merge the butterflies with a face and especially the eyes.
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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Para el dibujo, como siempre, hice unas líneas para guiarme en cuanto a distancia entre los ojos, nariz y boca, tratando que sea lo más simétrico posible, aunque dicen que ningún rostro es simétrico.
Mi guía siempre son los ojos y a partir de allí siempre dibujo el resto, teniendo en cuenta que el centro de la nariz está en medio de los dos ojos. Y lo mismo la boca.
Luego aleatoriamente fui dibujando varias mariposas, flores y hojas, sin simetría ni nada parecido, fue según inspiración.
La técnica, como en los anteriores trabajos es óleo sobre madera, pero en este caso la madera es algo más oscura y por ello traté de realzar el contraste de la fotografía para que el dibujo se vea. Muchas veces dibujo cosas y luego en la pintura lo reformo o si creo que no se ve bien lo arreglo.
For the drawing, as always, I made some lines to guide me in terms of distance between the eyes, nose and mouth, trying to make it as symmetrical as possible, although they say that no face is symmetrical.
My guide is always the eyes and from there I always draw the rest, keeping in mind that the centre of the nose is in the middle of the two eyes. And the same with the mouth.
Then I randomly drew various butterflies, flowers and leaves, without symmetry or anything like that, it was according to inspiration.
The technique, as in the previous works, is oil on wood, but in this case the wood is a little darker and so I tried to enhance the contrast of the photograph so that the drawing could be seen. Many times I draw things and then in the painting I reform it or if I think it doesn't look good I fix it.
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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Para pintar el cuadro, esta vez comencé por el rostro, y así podía ver el contraste con la madera, me gusta eso. Usé blanco, color piel o carne y dos sienas, suave y tostada. Demarcar el rostro me da una idea de los tonos más claros para después aplicar los oscuros.
Luego continué por los ojos y en este caso quería que fueran verdes, usé un verde inglés, azul talo y blanco para el centro, luego también negro. Es la parte de los rostros que más disfruto pintar siempre. Luego continué por la nariz y la boca. En este último caso usé blanco, piel, carmín y los dos sienas, con algo de negro.
No tengo ojos verdes sino marrones y bastante oscuros pero el verde es salud y me gustó ese color.
En el caso de las mariposas, fui pintando el fondo oscuro, con diversos colores en cada una, pero usé principalmente dos azules, naranja, blanco y negro. Para las flores, azul y carmín y las hojas, verde inglés. Por supuesto siempre el blanco y negro son los que lo determinan todo, tanto las luces como las sombras.
To paint the picture, this time I started with the face, so I could see the contrast with the wood, I like that. I used white, skin or flesh colour and two siennas, soft and tan. Demarcating the face gives me an idea of the lighter tones and then applying the darker ones.
Then I continued with the eyes and in this case I wanted them to be green, I used an English green, blue talo and white for the centre, then also black. This is the part of the face that I always enjoy painting the most. Then I continued with the nose and the mouth. In the latter case I used white, skin, lipstick and the two siennas, with some black.
I don't have green eyes but brown and quite dark but green is health and I liked that colour.
In the case of the butterflies, I painted the dark background, with different colours on each one, but I used mainly two blues, orange, white and black. For the flowers, blue and carmine and the leaves, English green. Of course it is always the black and white that determine everything, both the lights and the shadows.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Un detalle importante es la sombra de las mariposas o de las flores, la vegetación. Esa sombra es la que determina que parezca que lo anterior tiene volumen y está sobre el rostro y hasta que se sale del cuadro.
Un pensamiento vino a mi mente mientras pintaba este cuadro: Que diría mi profesora de pintura si me viera… creo que sonreiría, siempre la recuerdo, en cada pintura que haga, sin ella esto no hubiera sido posible, me enseñó todo lo que sé.
Gracias a todos por ver y leer hasta aquí. Les envío un gran saludo. Hasta pronto.
An important detail is the shadow of the butterflies or flowers, the vegetation. That shadow is what determines that it seems that the above has volume and is on the face and even that it goes out of the frame.
A thought came to my mind while I was painting this picture: What would my painting teacher say if she saw me... I think she would smile, I always remember her, in every painting I do, without her this would not have been possible, she taught me everything I know.
Thank you all for watching and reading this far. I send you a big hello. See you soon.
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Thank you so much @qurator and @ewkaw!!!😃
Thank you so much @hivepakistan and @dlmmqb!!!🤗
Know? Here the "Invaders" returned 😍 I don't know if you remember them when I talked about them in my post about butterflies, the grass was filled with little white flowers with pollen and they have returned, I have counted more than 20 and they are beautiful ❤️ unfortunately not all of people are capable of respect them and understand that without these animals there is nothing. Their life is short, but much more important than anyone else's, they must be taken care of. Every time I pass by where they are, they fly around me, it's beautiful 😍
The painting is beautiful, I love the colors and the depth of the look, what a wonderful work! 😍
Insects like bees and butterflies and many more make life on the planet possible, they pollinate, without them we would be dead... people don't care, they just... live their lives without seeing what's really important. That butterflies surround you is a sign and a very good one, and they protect you! Thank you very much princess!😘
#hive #art #surrealism #painting #AlienArtHive
I also see in the butterfly the evolution from larva to butterfly. The picture is beautiful, I have to look for a thesaurus. Since I always see beauty, I will at least name it with another adjective.
Good evening @avdesing.
hahahahaha never mind repeating the beauty that's good!!! Thank you very much!!!
Hasta mañana!!!
Wow , amo este arte. Se siente la vida en cada detalle.
Muchas gracias Zully!!!! Me llevo horas y horas pero me encanta!!😘
Hermosa está ilustración, los ojos quedaron bellísimos con todos los efectos de luces y sombras,me gusto mucho, saludos.
Muchísimas gracias por estas palabras, gracias!!!
Te juro que ví la imagen y pensé que era digital, pero cuando ví el pasó a paso waoo, mis respetos, impresionante, te felicito por este hermoso arte 😍✨
Muchas gracias!!! No, no es digital, pinto al óleo desde hace más de 25 años... retome la pintura hace algunos meses, me encanta! Gracias!😘
Siempre te superas. Te mando un abrazo, avecilla.
Muchas gracias Nani!!!! Ahora a recuperar los ojos jajaja se resecan mucho!😘
Se recuperan en la naturaleza. Los míos se me ponen rojos de estar en la pc. En uno de ellos se me hace un derrame. Tengo que verme esto. 😘 Cuídate mucho, @avdesing.
Depending on the eye with the problem is one thing or another, right eye family, left eye others... eyes are one of the most beautiful things we have, take care of it!
I really like the way you painted the eyes. It gives the image a magic realism. It's very beautiful! The process images are also well done.
Eyes are a very important part for me, it's life! And I loved the process, thank you very much!💗
You are very cute! Self-portraits are fun, you decide for yourself whether you want to be cute or ugly!
I choose animals with which I identify myself by their characteristics, but there is also one that shows me as I am... thank you very much!😃
What a beautiful work, I love seeing the process, and the step by step
You are truly admirable
I appreciate you sharing your talent
Have a beautiful morningGood morning dear friend @avdesing
And I appreciate every beautiful comment and your presence, thank you for those beautiful words! Have a nice day!🤗
I think you know I love butterflies and dragonflies
I love those beautiful eyes, they look so real. I love your works
Have a beautiful day Thank you so much @avdesing for sharing this beautiful work
Eyes mean a lot to me and I love butterflies! Thank you very much!🤗
I remember the jellyfish 🪼 woman, which was great too but this one is awesome! 🦋 🦋
Would be excellent having an exhibition of self portraits 😉
I think you are guessing my new project... thank you so much for always being there!😘
Muchas muchas gracias!!💗
Absolutamente hermosa, bella y misteriosa-
Muchas gracias Eve, me encantan las mariposas!!!💗
Hi, if butterflies could be human, they would look like this, I hope it happens soon, beautiful.👍👍👍
Eso sería genial!!! Gracias Cholito!!!