Upon crossing the threshhold of the 7th gate on Venus the invisible hand of the alien stretched out across space to the Heart of God 9 spaceship.
The other six gates have never been found so no one is sure why this is the seventh one.
The only life found so far on Venus were strange bacteria that swam in the gasses of the skies. This gate was built by something more powerful than bacteria.
The crew of the Heart of God 9 all cross into the the 7th gate. (Like in 2001 they go into a strange dimensional space) They become part of the hive mind of the alien.
She assumes the form of Zsa Zsa Gabor Talleah as Queen of Outer Space and rushes toward earth.
Her spirit fills the atmosphere of earth changing it into the gases of Venus.
A battle against a poisoned atmosphere takes place. The carbon converter systems are reprogrammed to counter the gasses and bacteria of Venus.
The earth sends an expert in exotic life forms to negotiate with her. Talleah is not impressed as the human tries to communicate. But Dr. Loba Philips learns how to diagnose the bacteria in the atmosphere.
They are sick from radiation from the earth.
Dr. Loba tells Talleah how to only attack the uranium mining and nuclear production systems. They collaborate together to enlist the bacteria and viruses that live inside the gas vents of earth that are related to the bacterium and virus life on Venus.
This army of very small life attack and the nuclear facilities. (Lots of nuclear weapons and power plants dissolving into magma.)
Talleah pulls back her hand as the radiation is diminished.
Both Venus and Earth are saved.
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