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Ape daza
3 days ago in Alien Art Hive by bilpcoinbpc (-6)(1)
- Pending payout amount: $0.47
- Breakdown: 0.23 HBD, 0.65 HP
- commentrewarder: 40.00%
- 5.00%
- leo.voter: 1.00%
- null: 10.00%
- ocd: 1.00%
- peakd: 5.00%
- 1.00%
- Payout in 4 days
95 votes
- sagarkothari88: $0.08
- braaiboy: $0.07
- $0.04
- stekene: $0.03
- onetrueself: $0.03
- daveks: $0.02
- russellstockley: $0.02
- thehivemobileapp: $0.01
- samuraiscam: $0.01
- harpreetjanda: $0.01
- ifarmgirl: $0.01
- imfarhad: $0.01
- pecuni: $0.01
- beststart: $0.01
- maddogmike: $0.01
- thearned: $0.01
- ilanisnapshots: $0.01
- wynella: $0.01
- dhedge: $0.01
- rzc24-nftbbg: $0.01
- and 75 more