Our Eyes

in Alien Art Hivelast month (edited)

Our Eyes | 1080 x 1080 px | Digital Art with Sketchbook App | 2025

Happy weekend, hivers. I don't know how to explain about this artwork. What is clear is I drew this art with joy. Accompanied by the basic idea that in social life, we are always faced with the views of many people until stories, gossip or even hoaxes occur. We also have the same tendency, we inevitably look at other people as we please and then interpret them as we please with stories that may deviate from what is visible to the naked eye.

In this case, the eyes are one of the most important senses. The eyes are the first to capture the objects we see, then very quickly work to send the visual data to the brain, to the mind, so that certain thoughts are born which when spoken may be in the form of stories, gossip or even hoaxes as I mentioned earlier. It is from this thought that I made this picture, perhaps the thought still needs to be interrupted, and I think it is necessary, because from the interruption we can discuss further and I am happy for that. Ciao and wassalamu.



Happy weekend, hivers. I don't know how to explain about this artwork. Yang jelas, aku menggambarnya dengan riang gembira. Diiringi basis pikiran bahwa dalam hidup bersosial, kita selalu dihadapkan dengan pandangan banyak orang hingga terjadilah cerita-cerita, gosip atau bahkan hoaks. Kita pun punya kecenderungan yang sama, punya keniscayaan memandang orang lain sesuka hati lalu sesuka hati pula menerjemahkannya dengan cerita-cerita yang mungkin bisa saja melenceng dari apa yang terlihat kasat mata.

Dalam hal ini, mata adalah satu indera paling penting keberadaannya. Matalah yang pertama sekali menangkap objek yang kita lihat, lalu dengan sangat cepat bekerja mengirimkan data visual itu ke otak, ke benak, sehingga melahirkan pemikiran-pemikiran tertentu yang ketika diucapkan ia boleh jadi berbentuk sebagai cerita, gosip atau bahkan hoaks seperti kusebut tadi. dari pemikiran inilah gambar ini kubuat, barangkali pemikiran itu masih perlu diinterupsi, dan kukira memang perlu, karena dari interupsi lah kita bisa berdiskusi lebih lanjut dan aku senang untuk itu. Ciao dan wassalamu.

Translate to English by Google Translate.


I love the eyes in the art,

but, if there are people who only live to judge,

I would like a 48-hour day because I have so many things to do.

And you don't understand these people who spend their time gossiping.


I was just commenting on this in my post, although from a different point of view.
...and everyone who sees can see it from their understanding and from their experiences. From the same image each person draws their own reading based solely on what they have inside. This is how many things originate, interpreting.
Your work and analysis catches my attention.👋💙👁