Brutalisti intoduction in Alian Art Hive and a bit of Stoicism

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago (edited)


Hello fellow alien artists! I really love the freedom of expression that I find here.

post.I wanna thank to @juliakponsford for inviting me here on my art brute

We are @brutalisti . I say we, because me Dany and my life and art partner Poly share this Hive profile and create together.


I am UX/UI designer and wanna be artist. I never had academic education in art and love mathematics, technology, astronomy, trading, movement and dance.

This is something I made today for Alien community:


Poly is Visual Digital Designer and Artist with academic education. She loves dance, art, parties, nature and games.

This is something she draw:

The Stoic

After I introduced ourselves, I wanna write some more about my painting.
It is called "The Stoic" and it represents a calm controlling mastermind combining happiness and sadness, good and bad, male and female and of course black and white.

A stoic is a man practicing philosophical movement called Stoicism.
Stoicism can let us observe and study our reactions and let us decide on how to respond on life events. It don't make emotionless, it is actually give us the freedom to feel, love and live as much as we want.

About the drawing process

I made it with dry pastel after few sketches, that I am gonna share.

Step 1. Just relaxing and drawing crazy faces:

Step 2 . The Idea birth. After some more experimenting I came with the Idea of a stoic combining the faces with emotions in his body. That is one of the sketches:

Step 3 . The pastel work. The final piece that added the male/female concept and that made my hands and room really dirty (black dry pastel...)

Step 4 . It had to be cleaned and clarified on photoshop so you can see the Drawing in the beginning of the post.

Happy to share this. I wish you calmness, good emotions, creativity and inspiration!

Glitch or Life
Collection: WomenYou can follow us @brutalisti or check our first NFT at @nftshowroom :

 4 years ago  

Very cool how you work together but both have such different styles!

I wish I could draw like her, but it takes years of study 😊 We both still searching our style, so you can expect various experiments.

'You rock!'

(...said the ruler to the rock while Nina Simone asked ' What's the matter with you Rock? Can't you see that I need you Rock?' And so on...'all along that day'...)

Thank you, Moni! And also thank you for the nice song

Interesting! I think a UX/UI designer (who love arts) and an artist would be a nice mate for the Brand identity designer (who loves arts), oh hey It's me! :D

Welcome to Hive