Sales on NFT Showroom can be tough to generate. However, i think when all the other NFT enthusiasts realize you can virtually mint, buy, and sell for free, comparatively speaking... i have a feeling there will be a boom in the Showrooms volume. I was one of the beta minters on MakersPlace. I minted a few things when they were still in testing. It was all too confusing and they covered the gas fees to mint and sell at that time.
NftShowroom came along on HIVE and it was more like home for me. I may venture into more of my own NFTs and making more art in the future branching out. Tezos seems to be another good chain and Cardano is probably the one i would be most interested into seeing what all they have planned.... but alas, so much stuff to see, learn, and do... yet so very little time. Cheers