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RE: An Envy For Solid Ground

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

I think you did really well on this. I do find it moving... but more meaningful and moving with your story to go with it. I think facing the fear and expressing it through art is a great way to have some healing.

I was just talking in a comment on a post here last curation round about teeth. I had a recurring nightmare about getting my teeth knocked out. For years it was always just a little different but with similar outcomes. I would pluck them out after getting hit in the mouth. I could feel the roots pop when i would pluck them out. Or, i would spit a few of them out into my hand. I could taste the metallic flavor in my blood and could tongue the holes left behind. It was as real as could be. I often would have the dream end with me looking into a puddle of blood in my cupped palm and multiple teeth sitting in my hand. It wasn't until i drew an artwork based on the dream that i stopped having the dream. I've never had it since finishing that artwork.

This image you have created is disorienting like being underwater. But, there seems to be an open channel in the middle. It reminded me of a time when i almost drowned as a lifeguard. There were only two of us lifeguards on duty before the L shaped pool was about to close. I just got off the stand and we had our deep end on one side of the L closed. So, being the guard i was over there by myself with the guard on stand sitting with her back turned to my end of the pool.

For some dumb reason i decided to see how many flips i could do underwater. I broke my record but almost passed out. I rushed to the surface to find myself upside down and i hit my head on the bottom. It didn't knock me out but i didn't think i was going to have the time to turn around and get back to the surface. I thrust myself as best i could and made it just in time before the gasp. If i had gasped underwater... i probably would have drowned before they noticed me over there in the deepend.

So, this image brought back that memory. I have never feared water... but i do have a very healthy respect for it. Thanks for sharing your poem and art and experience of overcoming fear with us here in this community!


Holy cow! Now that's a comment!! lol. or a novel.. lol 😆😁 Thank you for taking the time to tell me about your experiences. Sometimes when I write something like this, and put personal stuff out there for all to read, it's a very vulnerable feeling. I think we as humans, feel better about ourselves and can more easily relate with others, if we allow ourselves these moments of opening up. So... Thank you for catching that and responding with compassion and truth 😊.

I think when you said, " I have never feared water... but i do have a very healthy respect for it", I found that I can relate to this. Maybe my fear is less of a true fear and more of a respect at this point. I find that it's always in the back of my mind and one of the first things I think of when around or near the water. So maybe the fear has subsided over the years but the "Healthy Respect" is still quite there.

Your a crazy dude! That story about doing flips in the pool and almost passing out is nuts.. I could so picture you doing that still. I bet your thinking right now that maybe you could beat that record yet again if you had a little time to train. hehe. Oh yeah... And The Teeth Dream.. Still have the chills thinking about that. Glad I only dream of drowning and lungs filling with water... Much better than teeth in hand and blood everywhere! 😳

Thanks again for taking the time to make me feel at home here in the community 😊

You are very welcome my friend. I won't respond with a sequel to the novel... but i will say that i think facing fear is important. Expressing my teeth dream/nightmare via artistic expression set that mentality free. I was never afraid of losing teeth so i don't know where the dream originated... but dealing with it through the art made it go away.

Your experience sounded like some trauma was involved and that can leave a very lasting imprint. So, i was happy to see you express yourself about it in your art here. I do agree with you about the aspect of being vulnerable and opening up also setting things bottled up free.

Much love to you brother! Have a great weekend and i'm sure i'll be seeing you around! hahaha