This new version is definitely an upgrade in your skills and how far you have come in your art. I think they are both beautiful but this one is far superior. Sorry to hear about your tablet. I was going to ask you which one you use and which one you want to get to replace or upgrade your tools? I am thinking about getting a tablet but I've been asking around to see what everyone else is using first.
Holaaa thank you very much for reading me and for your appreciation of my work I value it very much😊... I currently use a Samsung Galaxy s6 Tablet, this is the one that damaged the screen. When I decided to buy this tablet I was undecided between this and a Kamvas Pro 13...the Kanvas I like because it is light, has excellent performance and I like the way the colors are appreciated... however I chose the Galaxy because it allowed me to take it with me anywhere without having to connect it to any external equipment, ie I found it more practical. However in the future I would like to work with Procreate and for that I need an iPad so my future goal is to buy an iPad😅🥹