I have done some runs with weird word combos, random and selected bible verses, song lyrics, movie quotes, and other stuff. It's funny some of the things that pop up. There are some models that work better with minimal prompts like those.
Now that you said that about season 3, i will be looking forward to figuring out where i left off and catching up.... or i may just start on season 1 episode 1 and binge watch them.
That might be the best bet if you don't remember. I wasn't impressed with season 1, but there were some things in season 2 I had forgotten by the time I got around to watching it.
I liked it just because it so much of the old stuff incorporated. That's the main reason i thought it was much better than i expected. I know there was even more cool stuff on the way to look forward to. I probably should start that over and Mandalorian. hahaha Blasphemy!
I haven't started watching the latest season of the Mandalorian yet. If you like the nostalgia, you are definitely going to love season 3!