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RE: Alien Art Hive Incubation 232

in Alien Art Hivelast year

It's been fun to watch your inclusion of the digital arts. I may suggest, when you make splinterlands art, rather than create your own backstory (which is more than ok to do) at the very least, mention which splinter your character would belong to. There are splinters (or elements) that each character belongs to that gives an underlying value to the character. Splinterlands also has it's own backstories that your stories should jive with. Just some advice for if you would like to get more support or be more on top of things.


I had not thought about that, for the next one I will make an original story, thanks for the information friend

You almost always have an original story or background for your characters. Having them more in line with Splinterlands will help you be more successful in your fusion.