GOOD CALL! I've met Stan Sakai a few times. He and Kevin Eastman are at a lot of comic cons. I should try to make some Yojimbo vinyl images. I got a couple decent Pikachu ones, I'm sure I can get a few tripping Yojimbos generated.
If you ever want to meet the TMNT crew, let me know, I can usually find out where Eastman will be next. He lives here in San Diego from what I'm told. One of my fellow convention vendors is friends with his wife. She is the nicest person.
GOOD CALL! I've met Stan Sakai a few times. He and Kevin Eastman are at a lot of comic cons. I should try to make some Yojimbo vinyl images. I got a couple decent Pikachu ones, I'm sure I can get a few tripping Yojimbos generated.
That's super cool! I just made a Ninja Turtle post recently and it was all still fresh on my mind when i cam upon this post. hahaha

If you ever want to meet the TMNT crew, let me know, I can usually find out where Eastman will be next. He lives here in San Diego from what I'm told. One of my fellow convention vendors is friends with his wife. She is the nicest person.