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RE: My Kill The Selfie NFT Gets Me Cancelled From Cryptofinally’s Show

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago

It's sad how soft some people are when it comes to things they aren't comfortable with. In a way I'm glad she decided not to host you on the show. It shows how insecure she is with things in her life. She doesn't want to rock the boat with things in her show and life. It's her choice but it was a flawed one in the end.

I'm glad you made the piece and continue to create art based on your choices not the choices of the people who want the art. That is what art is supposed to be. Artistic inspiration not artistic suggestion.


Lol it’s all about curatorship of an image that’s the brand that’s the IP that’s what influencers are selling so the protective of it because it can and will go up in smoke, any fame is always fleeting

This "influencer" shit is such a joke lmao. What happened to credibility? This attention economy is such a load of junk!

i agree 100%

I'M glad she decided not to also. It would have been miserable. Josie Bellini is way better and she is such a decent person!