
in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

la vigiaaay.jpg

From the shadows it traces a furtive path of photons of light, between the continuous movement
From his self-observation he anchors his path, with his inner wisdom.
Bare the emotions that are kept in sealed jars.
With his instinctive psyche before the rain of the dust of adversity
He knows that in every challenge, no matter how difficult it may seem, there is always a way out.

Va trazando desde las sombras un camino furtivo de fotones de luz, entre el movimiento continuo
Desde su auto observación ancla su camino, con su sabiduría interior.
Desnuda las emociones que guarda en frascos sellados.
Con su psiquismo instintivo ante la lluvia del polvo de las adversidades
Sabe que en cada desafío por más difícil que parezca, siempre hay una salida.

técnica mixta sobre papel
serie: Teriantropía

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Esa ondaaa! Ay vaamos

There are a lot of things going on in this artwork for those with the eyes to see! I really like the pointillism technique used here. Super cool. Thanks for sharing here with us in the community!

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Helllo. Interesting art piece. I love the textures, details, and colors. My first instinct was that the figure was that of a female. But you indicate the gender as "he". The figure seems to be entwined and can't break loose.

Thanks for sharing your work.

It's a she. Daimot uses a translator for the text because he can't speak english so much! I know him in person, this is why I know 😄 He's a very good artist and musician! check his website for more of his pieces

Oh yes, that translator. I know it well. Thanks for the response.

Whoa I love this and the color is superb

beautiful! Happy to have you in my IG feed <3