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RE: Zed's choice : page | Draft Comic Book created with AI drawing tools.

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

Thx Castleberry. Yes, i wanted to give it a try since the beginning. All these new tools are reaching a point where we can more an more drive the output produced. Still it is very difficult to get pictures illustrating an action or a human posture, but constraints are usually catalyzers for the creativity. One thing i try to avoid in this exercise is picking picture on the net and using AI as an advanced filter. I prefer starting with a written prompt and then derive, resize, etc until i get some inspiring result.
This is quite exciting to do. No hat needed here. I'm already honored with your feedback.


Hahaha Thanks! Yes, i think you are right about creativity catalyzers... and obstacles now will be smooth roads here sooner rather than later at this rate. I think your approach is also a great catalyst for truer art collaboration with the A.I. augmentation when it creates and refines itself rather than internet preset images. We are all climbing this digital mountain from different angles of approach... but the view from the pinnacle will bring all vantage points to an amazing view! Cheers