Report : As we cracked Julia's internal affective picture memory, we were able to discover a guide made for Julia about untraceable living places that ZeD built in their virtual isolated reality. First part has been decrypted. Here follows the second part of the log decrypted:
Go down to the cave and dare open the metallic door. It brings you to the hidden markets.
The first section of this indoor souk has been abandoned since a long time ago. Just go on without fear. Turn left at the end.
Here we are ! It's a marvellous labyrinth of little shops dating from the ancient city era.
You will find here all kind of fabrics, jewellery and other little things from the past. It may reminds you Asian markets or middle-east souks.
Have a look into this antique gallery, take your time. At the end of the shops, you will find another exit giving access to another shop or another indoor street.
Here's the tailor shop, ask him to every costume you want. He's an expert.
This one sells book and lampshades and luminaries, fabric and draperies.
Inside this labyrinth, take sometimes a rest and sit on those small sofas and take a coffee break while contemplating the many objects that adorn each stall.
This very narrow european style little street is called Hat & Tie street.
Go inside. They sell all types of hats from all kind of culture.
When you think you are lost, don't worry too much, a lot of those little streets have this kind of local bar entrance. In each of them there is a similar exit that should bring you to the first main street.
This is one of the exit. Remember, this is a virtual world for you and me. Take shelter here whenever you want. I hope you will enjoy it.
Zed, your devoted.
-- End of File decryption --
You may have missed First part
Processing Note:
A couple of hours of cherry picked picture using mini dall-e with some prompts and use them as init images. A hint to get better resolution is to submit these pictures to deblur restoration. These unblurred pictures are then used as init images into ic-gan which gives suprising pictures derivations. I re-use some of them like in my previous post. The text makes the glue to wander into those strange pictures depicting imaginary underground cabaret and markets in a kind of hybrid art deco architecture.
The second part will be released in next post.
My previous posts are here
This run turned out really cohesive! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing the links of the process.... so many new toys and so little time to go play! Keep up the great work. =)

Hi Castleberry. Indeed this was the purpose, approaching this feeling to enter a world in itself like diving into a movie, a book, a comic. Thus the graphical coherence helps a lot. At the speed it evolves, in some months we will probably be able to render this in a real-time 3D virtual space...
I wouldn't doubt it about that 3d virtual space coming soon to an AI near you! I had some 3d type abstractions in my last few runs on the video notebook. It was extremely strange! You definitely have done a great job from the start creating an immersive environment in your themed posts! I think that's what motivated me to try all this out myself, so THANK YOU!
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