I just had to share this and show you why I added @ddate to @snipverse on @xpr https://snipverse.com/ddate the website is SO BEAUTIFUL Aesthetically AND I used Midjourney to BREAK IT DOWn with /describe and generate new versions of of it . (and at the bottom of this post i go over who Dario Argento and James Bidgood are and what their art actually looks like. One is an Italian horror director, the other is the "Late God of Gay Photography" hahaha
Ill amke sure you have 100,000 SNIPS to stake in your alienarthive snipverse account!Before i move further, I suggest you post your art to snipverse.com ! Try it out with webauthcom PROTON mobiel wallet its liek keychain ro anchor but uses $XPR @xpr (not not ripple xrp but PROTON xpr !) , ill send you XPR and SNIPS and @alienarthive why not create a snipverse account with https://webauth.com (Like their keychain but way better lol)
@ddate snipverse account https://snipverse.com/zackzackzack
Here is my zackzackzack snipverse account https://snipverse.com/zackzackzack im proud of the darioargento cyberpunk gameboy color purple indigo that I had made with the snipvesrse branding for my cover photo...
I didnt even knwow hat candycore ceslestialpunk or Dark chiaroscruroi waas! Now i know the name sof my favorite styles
I am just so shocked that it can turn an image of a website into a prompt, tell em teh exact styles of that website, and then giveme 4 options to generate new ai art based on teh description prompt it generated from an image upload of a WEBSITE screenshoT! the ones it made of HIVE and PEAKD are also really cool but i already posted them
Anyway heres some MORE images from teh very first generation at the top for the @ddate ad, using dario argento and james bidgood as teh style guide with cinematic cyberpunk --ar 2:1
James Bidgood/Dario Argento made the prompt look so magic and i made the logo with @ratzen and added the elements yesterday for @ddate
WHO ARE JAMES BIDGOOD and DARIO ARGENTO? The artisst whose styleguides i use for many of my midjourney gens?
apparently hes an Italian HORROR style , not cyberpunk, but when i ADD cyberpunk to his style or , pablo amaringo ayahuasvca art, it make sit COMPLETELY different
you really wouldnt have known it was his art style in my nfts and posst unless i had been telling you which I alway sdid from the start, i dont think the odl DIrector cares if i use his style hes european, hes Italian hah i think he loves if anyoen thinks his drecting style is cool!
Ahh see i mean it says here, hes RESPONMSIBLE for some of our FAVORITE "dark fashion looks"
oh ok i mean i kinda see it but remember i have gotten some REALLY crazy art out of HIS name, and his REAL art , screenshots from his movies, they look completely different
Same with James Bidgood, his art looks NOTHING like the styles i use for my own nfts etc
hes the "Late Master of Gay Photography" lol uh oh, and hes my favorite AI art style guide artist hahah
you can tell its theer but i mean, his art is so particular, usually just image sof people when i like to use his style as a sort of filter to depict electronics and glass crystal metal objects in glass cases mor on tables or streets
lol also JAmes Bidgood actual artwork is pretty Gay lol, like treally flamboyantly in yoru face level haha and i wouldnt have known! Its liek using his style for cinematic cyberpunk shots really changes things up , hes a real Genius liek Dari Argento in that respect!
lol see what i mean tho? I normally wouldnt be into that style , maybe women and gay men can get more out of this, but im glad you have your thing you like James Bidgood lol Hes a n old man too which makes it even funnier to me, they say hes some sort of "Queer Art Fashion God" lol
ahhh now THIS is the stuff that Midjourney is ung! now THIS is really cool for a styleguide! BUT ON ITS OWN its too bright for me, its like, too neon, looks like my led keybaord
BUT AS A STYLEGUIDE in MIDJOURNEY ooohweee is it genius and im so grateful for the mans work! He and Dario ARgento are so old, and so european i dont think they would care or want a cut of my nft sales but im willing to share as much as they think i should if they showed up on hive one day!
i meant to post this from @ackza oh well, it is a @ddate post after all