Oldman Mutant, Digital Art

in Alien Art Hive5 months ago

Hello friends!

I'm back again today😁

How are you today?

May you all be blessed and blessed by God in all your activities today☺.

Today I post again, today my work tells where the world is inhabited by humans and humans with super powers with various powers, either becoming fire humans, turning into monsters or having very genius brains and others called the mutant nation, namely humans who have mutations from birth.

But all mutants are hunted by humans because they are considered dangerous and it is impossible to live side by side with them, until only one mutant remains, an old man who has large and thorny tentacles coming out of his back.

This Oldman mutant is very old, even hundreds of years old and is also very strong so that it is difficult for humans to defeat him.

The Oldman mutant continues to fight humans, and occasionally runs away to hide to restore his strength.

And does the Oldman mutant survive among the humans who hunt him?

I hope you like my content this time, and thank you for supporting me in this community.

Tools I used:
Dell Precision 4800 Windows 10, Wacom Cintiq 13HD and Clip Studio Paint.

Stages from Sketch to digital line art

Coloring process

Final rendering result:

Thank you for visiting my blog this time.


Turned out great! Keep up the fantastic digital art creations! @deddywix

@tipu curate

Thank you very much for support my blog☺🙏

@deddywox I really like your excellent work. Congratulations

thank you☺🙏

Amazing bro!

thank you bro☺🙏