The AI Art Debate
Lately there has been heavy heat among artists about how making AI art is stealing art, how it's wrong, how it sucks and many have been attacked for using it. I tend to lean on that side of the argument, but at the same time I'm on the fence about it. I really appreciate human-made art. I like making art, drawing, painting, even digitally which was seen with bad eyes by many for a long time and still do. Some compare this to when photography started, to how people were rejecting it because it was new and that photographers wouldn't have jobs soon and such, but like this video below, I agree it's very different and the disruption has only begun.
El Debate de la IA
Últimamente ha habido una fuerte controversia entre los artistas sobre cómo hacer arte con IA equivale a robar el arte, cómo está mal y cómo apesta, y muchos han sido atacados por usarlo. Tiendo a inclinarme hacia ese lado del argumento, pero al mismo tiempo tengo sentimientos encontrados. Realmente aprecio el arte hecho por humanos. Me gusta crear arte, dibujar, pintar, incluso digitalmente, lo cual fue visto con malos ojos por muchos durante mucho tiempo y aún sucede. Algunos comparan ésto con cuando comenzó la fotografía; cómo la gente la rechazaba porque era nueva y decían que los fotógrafos pronto se quedarían sin trabajo. Pero como se muestra en el video a continuación, estoy de acuerdo en que es algo muy diferente y la disrupción apenas comienza.
What's happening in the world with AI is unsettling and very uncomfortable. I'm a graphic designer, and even though I work on a branch which hasn't been affected so much YET (Editorial Design - Desktop Publishing), I wouldn't be surprised if it did soon. My illustration, video-editing, image manipulation and animation skills seem to just be getting less valuable as this AI revolution takes over, at least from a financial perspective though. I know the spiritual value of the things I make, because I make them with such intentions, energy and will. I like having fun and not everything is black and white. Now making these things will be way easier for me.
No one really knows what will happen. Many will have to develop new skills, and hoefully not too many will be jobless when all the job spots are taken.
Lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo con la IA es inquietante y muy incómodo. Soy diseñador gráfico, y aunque trabajo en una rama que aún no ha sido afectada tanto por esto (Diseño Editorial - Maquetación), no me sorprendería si lo fuera pronto. Mis habilidades en ilustración, edición de videos, manipulación de imágenes y animación parecen estar perdiendo valor a medida que esta revolución de la IA avanza, al menos desde una perspectiva financiera. Sé el valor espiritual de las cosas que creo, porque las hago con intenciones, energía y voluntad. Me gusta divertirme, y no todo es en blanco y negro. Por otro lado, ahora será más fácil para mí hacer esas cosas.
Realmente nadie sabe qué ocurrirá. Muchos tendrán que desarrollar nuevas habilidades, y ojalá no haya demasiada gente sin trabajo cuando todos los puestos laborales estén ocupados. El mundo se enfrenta a grandes cambios.
I personally don't like the idea of a UBI (Universal Basic Income). I believe in taking responsibility of myself, not in having some form of abusive government that will take care of me in exchange for freedoms or rules. I've lived in a country that has been savaged and pillaged by criminals since I was born and it just gets worse all the time. I don't trust them, why would I trust them taking care of me? They never have, never will. Picture that they stole the covid relief funds sent by other countries. If that doesn't say something, then I don't know what does. "Honduras" is the name of this wickedness.
Personalmente, me desagrada la idea un Ingreso Básico Universal (UBI). Creo en asumir la responsabilidad de mí mismo, no en depender de un gobierno que podría resultar abusivo y que se encargue de mí a cambio del sacrificio de libertades e implementación de reglas. He vivido en un país que ha sido saqueado y devastado por criminales desde que nací, y la situación solo empeora con el tiempo. No confío en ellos, ¿por qué confiaría en que se ocupen de mí? Nunca lo han hecho, y nunca lo harán. Imagina que robaron los fondos de ayuda por el COVID enviados por otros países. Si eso no dice algo, entonces no sé qué lo hará. "Honduras" es el nombre de esta maldad.
I nevertheless, love creating, remixing, putting things together. I don't really mind if I use things someone else made to create or piece something new.. I totally understand I should not claim any of it, which is different. But take for example collages; they're very nice to make and I'd say it's a fair use of other's images. Copyright is something that definitely must be considered though, specially when using them for commercial purposes. Some state specifically that no derivatives can be created from their work. The argument about that making AI art is "stealing" other people's work is something to consider because of this, and it will be hard to get to common agreements about the created images. For the time being, machine-made art can't be copyrighted legally.
Sin embargo, me encanta crear, remezclar y unir cosas. Realmente no me importa si uso cosas que alguien más ha creado para crear o componer algo nuevo. No me importa si alguien hace eso con mis creaciones. Entiendo completamente que no deberíamos reclamar nada de eso como propio, lo cual es diferente. Pero por ejemplo, los collages; son muy divertidos de hacer y diría que es un uso justo de las imágenes de otros. Sin embargo, el derecho de autor es algo que definitivamente debe considerarse, especialmente al utilizarlas con fines comerciales. Algunos indican específicamente que no se pueden crear derivados a partir de su obra. El argumento de que crear arte con IA es "robar" el trabajo de otras personas es algo a considerar debido a esto, y será difícil llegar a una decisión unánime acerca de cómo tratar éstas imágenes. Por ahora, el arte hecho por máquinas no puede ser protegido legalmente con derechos de autor.
I do get it with people who don't have any art skills. AI has the potential to be an art killer and it can be pretty damaging to us artists as a whole because many people will stop to value art and just pay pennies to the prompters and users of AI or just make it themselves. But art isn't really something that can be actually be made by machines.. is it?
Entiendo el punto de las personas que no tienen habilidades artísticas. La IA tiene el potencial de perjudicar al mundo del arte y podría ser perjudicial para nosotros, los artistas en general, ya que muchas personas podrían dejar de valorar el arte y simplemente pagar poco dinero a los prompters y usuarios de IA, o incluso hacerlo ellos mismos. Pero el arte no es realmente algo que pueda ser creado por máquinas, ¿verdad?
Art is an expression, it's abundance that comes from the soul. It has the potential to inspire, to make people happy, to liven up, lift someone in a bad mood or situation. One of the problems we face as humans, is we reduce everything to commerce and finance. This is what we have done to art. This is what we have done to life.
El arte es una expresión, es abundancia que surge del alma. Tiene el potencial de inspirar, de hacer felices a las personas, de animar, de levantar a alguien en una situación difícil. Uno de los problemas que enfrentamos como seres humanos es que reducimos todo a comercio y finanzas. Esto es lo que hemos hecho con el arte. Esto es lo que le hemos hecho a la vida.
There's a reason for why there's an excessive pay to these people right now.. right? (The prompters). I mean.. think about how many people will not get the art job now. Unfortunately a big part of this world doesn't care about people anymore, ONLY PROFIT.
Don't we need something new here?
¿Hay una razón para que estas personas reciban un pago excesivo en este momento, verdad? (Los generadores de contenido de IA). Quiero decir... piensa en cuántas personas no conseguirán trabajo en el campo del arte ahora. Desafortunadamente, una gran parte de este mundo ya no se preocupa por las personas, SOLO POR LA GANANCIA.
¿No necesitamos algo nuevo aquí?
'AI Prompter': Un nuevo trabajo de nicho en el mercado de la IA
Gana de $250,000 a $335,000 como AI Prompter; Lee en qué consiste el nuevo rol de la IA y cómo puedes ganar antes que nadie
I think that's specifically where our problem as a society is. Everything has become about money and private property. I can't think of where we would be without these "rights", but we've come down a very dark and separative road where everyone is just looking for themselves. That's sad and also stupid. In the past everyone was looking for each other. We were one big family with no private property. That could've sucked pretty bad though. The problem with collectivism is that the individual is slashed and reduced to the group's wellbeing. They can be sacrificed if needed. Perhaps this is why we live in this dystopia.
Creo que ahí radica específicamente nuestro problema como sociedad. Todo se ha transformado y manipulado en torno al dinero y la propiedad privada. No puedo imaginar dónde estaríamos sin estos "derechos", pero hemos tomado un camino muy oscuro y divisivo en el que todos están buscando solo para sí mismos. Eso es triste y también estúpido. En el pasado, todos se preocupaban por los demás. Éramos una gran familia sin propiedad privada. Eso podría haber sido bastante negativo también. El problema con el colectivismo es que el individuo es reducido y subordinado al bienestar del grupo. Pueden ser sacrificados si es necesario. Quizás por eso actualmente vivimos ésta distopia.
One upside of this dystopian future we are starting to live in is that these tools allow for the execution of nice ideas in the blink of an eye. Just look at that lovely image above! The possibilities are endless. The tools are really amazing and they are turning our world upside down. AI art (or is it just artless/soulless images?), music, videos, organizers, chatbots, writers, coders, 3d worlds, 3d objects, photographs, and so much more is out there already! It's kind of insane to think about. It's actually pretty nice. I think humans are awesome.
Una ventaja de este futuro distópico en el que estamos empezando a vivir es que estas herramientas permiten la ejecución de ideas geniales en un instante. ¡Solo mira esa hermosa imagen de arriba! Las posibilidades son infinitas. Las herramientas son realmente sorprendentes y están dándole vuelta a nuestro mundo. El arte de IA (¿o son imágenes sin arte/alma?), la música, los videos, los organizadores, los chatbots, los escritores, los programadores, los mundos en 3D, los objetos en 3D, las fotografías y mucho más ¡ya están ahí fuera! Es muy loco saber que existe todo ésto. En realidad, es bastante agradable. Creo que los seres humanos son asombrosos.
It really makes me sad that we have gotten to this world like this. People are greedy. Companies just care about profit, no matter how many will have to study more, work more, find new ways to earn a living. Their drive is wrong. They've created all this technological world with the wrong intentions. What would we get if we all aligned our intentions and dreams? What happened to the idea of "humans will be free" of the third industrial revolution? Weren't machines gonna help us to not work anymore? Is AI just gonna make all this worse?
Realmente me entristece que hayamos llegado a este mundo de esta manera. Las personas son muy avariciosas. Las empresas solo se preocupan por las ganancias, sin importar cuántas personas tengan que estudiar más, trabajar más y encontrar nuevas formas de ganarse la vida. Su motivación es equivocada. Han creado todo este mundo tecnológico con intenciones erróneas. ¿Qué lograríamos si todos alineáramos nuestras intenciones y sueños? ¿Qué pasó con la idea de que "los seres humanos serán libres" con la tercera revolución industrial? ¿No se suponía que las máquinas iban a ayudarnos a no trabajar más? ¿La IA solo empeorará todo esto?
Imagine a nice world where psychopaths and narcissists didn't exist! We'd be flying in our own spaceships, using free energy, making our wildest dreams come true. The life we are living is ridiculous if you think about it. That's were the whole problem with AI really is. If it's so smart and is given the right permissions though.. will it be able to fix us or at least guide us to a good path? What do we need to do to for that?
Imagina un mundo hermoso en el que los psicópatas y los narcisistas no existieran. Estaríamos volando en nuestras propias naves espaciales, usando energía libre, haciendo realidad nuestros sueños más salvajes. La vida que estamos viviendo es ridícula, si lo piensas. Ahí es donde realmente radica el problema con la IA. Si es tan inteligente y se le otorgan los permisos adecuados... ¿será capaz de arreglarnos, o al menos dirigirnos por un mejor camino? ¿Qué debemos hacer para que sea así?
The TRUE Problem
To me the real question lies in what are we going to do with this technology. Are we going to use it to keep on living in this stupid way, or are we going to try to close the gaps, help each other, and make this world a better place? What does that mean anyway?
Para mí, la verdadera pregunta radica en qué haremos con esta tecnología. ¿La usaremos para seguir viviendo de esta manera absurda o intentaremos cerrar las brechas, ayudarnos mutuamente y hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor? ¿Qué significa eso de todos modos?
People with power transform this world at will. You can tell some don't do so with most people's, animal's, or nature's wellbeing in mind. If we just follow what they want all the time, which we most of the time do anyways, we just get lead astray. That's why the real problem is not about creating or remixing using other people's art. The problem is deeper, it's about how we relate to each other and with the other beings that inhabit our planet with us. It's how we think we are bad and can't make existence for humans better, only because a handful of ass#%les have led us down the wrong paths ever since forever.
Las personas con poder transforman este mundo a su voluntad. Puedes notar que algunos no lo hacen teniendo en mente el bienestar de la mayoría de las personas, los animales o la naturaleza. Si simplemente seguimos lo que ellos quieren todo el tiempo, lo cual la mayoría de las veces hacemos de todos modos, nos desviamos del camino. Por eso, el problema real no es crear o remezclar usando el arte de otras personas. El problema es más profundo, se trata de cómo nos relacionamos entre nosotros y con los otros seres que habitan nuestro planeta. Se trata de cómo pensamos que somos malos y no podemos mejorar la existencia para los humanos, solo porque un puñado de desgraciados nos ha llevado por caminos equivocados desde siempre.
It's hard not to fall in the traps. It's hard to imagine a collective where individuals can be themselves and be free to be genuine. It's hard to be loving and be loved. It's hard to walk straight and choose what seems to be the best for all. However, it's what we really need to set this world straight. Many people have taken this path before and it's only a choice away to take the leap of faith into the flow of a world that's growing, getting better and falling into place, rather than breaking apart and getting dimmer and darker.
Es difícil no caer en las trampas. Es difícil imaginar una colectividad donde los individuos puedan ser ellos mismos y sean libres para ser genuinos. Es difícil amar y ser amado. Es difícil caminar recto y elegir lo que parece ser lo mejor para todos. Sin embargo, eso es lo que realmente necesitamos para enderezar este mundo. Muchas personas han tomado este camino antes y solo está a una decisión el tomar el salto de fé hacia el flujo de un mundo que está creciendo, mejorando y cayendo en su lugar, en vez de desmoronarse y oscurecerse.
What would YOU do if you had the amazing tech and lived in the amazing planet we actually live in? Will you try to stop the AI ocean, or find ways to express your ideas, make your dreams come true, help others, and make the river flow with more power?
AI or not?
¿Qué harías VOS si tuvieras la increíble tecnología y vivieras en el asombroso planeta en el que realmente vivimos? ¿Tratarías de detener el océano de la IA o encontrarías formas de expresar tus ideas, hacer realidad tus sueños, ayudar a otros y hacer que el río fluya con más fuerza?
¿IA o no?
Disclaimer: I used AI Stable Diffusion model (SDXL 0.9) to make the art in this post. I do not own and I didn't not personally create any of the artwork in this post, just prompted a model to spit these images out.
Aviso: Utilicé el modelo IA Stable Diffusion (SDXL 0.9) para crear el arte en esta publicación. No soy dueño ni creé personalmente ninguna de las obras de arte en esta publicación, solo le dí indicaciones a un modelo para escupir éstas imágenes.
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Si te gusta mi arte, porfavor apoya mi sueño de arte:
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Soñándole ARTE a la vida a través de
garabatos (doodles), colores, diversión y buenas vibras.
I like your points about Digital art and Photography (there was a HUGE anti-digital photography push, and digital editing too. Filters are just Algorithms after all, with very little human input beyond "ooh pretty".)
For me, I think AI is not going to steal our artists. But it will end up being a wrench/paint brush/keyboard, basically a tool that creatives will use to enhance and accelerate their creative process. The general population is enamored with the things that AI can produce for now, but like most fads, this too shall pass.
Drones popped up over the last 10 years as the bees-knees and many people went out and got them just to have some fun, so many in fact that all our wonderfully restrictive RC laws came about because of douchebags crashing drones into crowded areas. But nowadays they are most frequently used as tools to enhance jobs. Videographers are able to get shots for a couple hundred dollars that used to cost thousands of dollars in helicopter rentals. (Let alone the shots drones can get that heli's can't) People who work in forestry are able to block off sections of forest from logging using their drones equipped with thermals and LIDAR to help protect our wildlife more efficiently.
Are idiots always going to abuse the tools that professionals use? I think we all know the answer to that.
Hey @lacking! Sorry I hadn't replied before.. I tried but there seemed to be a problem with keychain. I reinstalled the extension and it worked but only for a bit and then stopped working again. Seems like it was fixed now 🙃
I agree that the fad will soon pass, and I think it's kinda like a shame that it will "take the edge off" from impressive art.. At least that's what I think, because it does things with so much detail that people will just be like bleh when they see a handmade one.
I feel that the anti-AI pushback is a lot stronger than digital photo/edit because in part it is kinda stealing others' art styles, don't you think? I feel like we are just venturing into a new era where things will be different.. very different. It does get kinda scary because there's people behind this and they are making a lot of money from training the models in existing art. In theory that money could be distributed between the artists, and I guess that's where it's unfair and terrible from that point of view, it's unfair and it is just giving more and more power and creating a wider economic gap between classes.
For sure it will become paintbrush/tool for artists. I personally am thrilled because I don't need to download images for when I need maybe backgrounds or textures and can create unique free ones also collages, video edits, animations will be greatly enhanced. I used to only use free content and that's limited but now I can just create to use it. On the other hand, it does kinda suck that for some people this will be their ENTIRE process instead of just a part of it or tool lol. In the art sense it can have a nice potential if the world gets filled with more art. Businesswise, the art offer will be so big that artists' work will be devalued - some will skyrocket though, for sure. It will be a cashgrab for many (already is).
I'm excited for the tech and advancements, but I'm also scared because you know there's really bad people out there. Judging by the way they are creating this "digital technocratic prison" and creating unelected groups of power, to me things look very grim. We could have a beautiful world with the help of AI but first we need to clear out the greed. Techno-communism (for lack of a better term) could be cool if we all have equal standing in decisions, in life, in the way the world works, but you know these people wouldn't allow this to happen. Hopefully AI will learn this all, and solve the problems that separate our species. Unlimited power (Tesla) could allow unlimited food, it's just a matter of if they allow it or not, we already have the means to feed and maybe even house everyone, only the will and burning of greed is missing.
Thank you very much for your support and reply 😋🙏
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