Ithaqa Comic Issue 6 Thumbnails Pages 15 - 16

in Alien Art Hivelast year

Ithaqa - Issue 6 - thumbnails-15-16.jpg

The tables have turned - briefly! Ezekiel gains the upper hand in this battle of the wits, and then proceeds to overplay his hand by antagonizing an unstable WW1 vet/cop.

This page spontaneously introduced a new piece of potential lore that I find interesting to chew on from time to time. In a bid to scare Ezekiel into telling the truth, Chuck implies that he has the ability to use his Rot-disfigured arm to literally reach into people's brain and physically pull memories out. Chuck's bluff works and Ezekiel believes him, but I leave the possibility open for this actually happening in the future as Ruth asks Chuck, "Can you really do that?"

And Chuck responds, "No, but I had a dream I could once." Which obviously means somewhere in the multiverse there IS a Chuck who pulls memories out with his fingers.


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Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here: