Bees sketches for something cool!

in Alien Art Hive5 years ago

Buzzzz everyone!!!
I worked on bees sketches to do something cool with them, my choices are:

  • Avatars
  • Telegram stickers
  • Both

Any of them would take a lot of work and time but I am excited and I want to try!

I also need your help, which one is cutest? The best? The funniest?


Spring is right here and bees are perfect for this times 🐝🍯 Also I love bees aesthetics, and stylizing them is just so fun! Calling "Hive" the new blockchain was simply a great choice 👍🏻

So, if you could have a bee avatar, which base would you prefer? Imagine it with your hair, glasses, etc.

Or if they would be telegram stickers, which would be funniest?

Please leave your comments below!

🐝 Happy buzzing! 😂🍯

 5 years ago  

Such cute buzzy little bees haha

These are cool. I pick number 2 !!